
Mainz 05: Das “besondere Spiel” in Kiel for Robin Zentner – Fußball

Mainz 05: Das “besondere Spiel” in Kiel for Robin Zentner – Fußball

Wenn der 1. FSV Mainz 05.00 o’clock Sonntag bei Holstein Kiel zu Guest, we are there for a Mainzer to be special in the game: Torhüter Robin Zentner plays during the years of coming together.

Robin Zentner was a Holstein Kiel Ausgeliehen during the summer of 2015 for the second half of the year 2015. “It has been a year since I have a station on Mainz 05, it is a Besonderes,” said Zentner in the Hinblick about the old Auswärtsspiel.

In front of the damaged Drittligisten there are 26 Mal zwischen den Pfosten. In the seiner zweiten Saison feierte is with the Störchen de Aufstieg in the 2. Bundesliga. The most important thing is that during the start-up period you start working as an ersatz goalkeeper with “sporty backstrokes”.

Profidebüt für Mainz against the former club

After the signal was given, the 1. FSV Mainz 05 was very clear as a result behind René Adler. Anyone who wants the Zufall will continue with the Profidem in the Mainzer Trikot to a single Ex-Club Holstein Kiel. In the second round of the DFB-Pokals 2017/2018 war there is a 3:2-Sieg for the lost René Adler that can be played before the Halbzeit. “I think it is, if the man notices that it takes so long”, there is a Zentner with a Schmunzeln. Zentner has to play in regular playing time – jewels on an eleven meter – hinter sech grifen. After an “orderly Leistung” there is the Verlängerung der Achtelfinal-Einzug.

Robin Zentner – sicherer Mainzer Rückhalt

The first game for the Mainzer Profis is one of many years in which she is in. For the mittlerweile 30 years Robin Zentner kamen bislang 176 Bundesliga-Spiele anyway weitere in DFB-Pokal dazu. Seit Jahren is nothing more than thinking the Mainzer Startelf away. Auch in dieser Saison saith zentner in Mainzer Tor als sicherer Rückhalt. With 41 total Torschüssen lies in the statistics of the Platz zwei alle Bundesliga-Torhüter – direct hinter Timon Weiner from Holstein Kiel, with them Gegner.

Zentner: “Wir müssen den Kampf annehmen”

If you take the FSV test, you can experience the 05th dream in Folge ohne Niederlage. Unmittelbar vor der Länderspielpause wurde beim überraschenden 3:1-Heimsieg v Borussia Dortmund der Heim-Fluch gebrochen. You will travel 05 to Tables-17. after Kiel. Mainz as a Tables-Zehnter is vermeintlich as favorite in the party. It is true, “the Kampf, the Abstiegskampf anzunehmen”, says Zentner. In Mainz they knew that the function of the main force, but the Mainzer Torwart warned about the scaffolding: “Whatever you noted was brutal, a punk in the Bundesliga zu sammeln.” Let the Heimspiel be played 1:0 against 1. FC Heidenheim.

The Abwehrverbund is not complete

The problem with the problems in the Mainzer Abwehr has received his attention. Inner Defender Moritz Jenz trains his work as a woman with the Mannschaft. There is a difference between the 0:4 defeat in the DFB-Pokal against FC Bayern Munich and a muskel phaser in Oberschenkel. Ebenso wieder fit is Andreas Hanche-Olsen. The Norwegian war weighs a few cases and how at the end of September the Pflichtspiel was more powerful. “It seems you have done one thing, it is a good choice. You can achieve the quality of the Wahl with the goose quality,” said Zentner with Blick on the line in the Sonttag.

All information from the Kaderentwicklung about the Länderspielpause is “positive”. One of the things we have done is that the “game below” of Robin Zentner and the Mainzer has produced a positive result.