
Niederbieler Ehepaar hat Missionshospital with aufgebaut

Niederbieler Ehepaar hat Missionshospital with aufgebaut

Solms-Niederbiel. The Ehe couple Udo and Barbara Klemenz from Niederbiel worked for a long time in the Diospi Suyana mission hospitals in Anden-Perus. As a construction engineer, Udo Klemenz was involved in the first construction project. The Initiative zum Engagement came from the Wiesbadener Ärzten Klaus-Dieter and Martina John. The Krankenhaus in Curahuasi was formed by Albert Schweitzer in August 2007 and had treated more than 560,000 patients. Klaus-Dieter John reports on Sunday, December 1, at 7 p.m. in the Evangelischen Gemeindehaus in Niederbiel about the Project. The end of the journey is free.