
Einfacher 5-Sekunden-Test said, wie fit du bist

Who suits the wirklich? A einfacher Fünf-Sekunden-Test likes to use an Answer. Here lies who functions.

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The Ärztin Dr. Natalie Azar has developed the American magazine ‘Today’, with a lot of attention to nur fun Sekunde that is most suitable for your tatsächlich bist.

No depression and cardio-vascular fitness are possible in fitness, but also in mobility and strength – and it is possible to experiment with the fun-sekunden test.

Zum Nachmachen: The “Steh-Sitz” test

“It’s worth a step-by-step test,” Azar explains. I started the test on Stehen, if I crease with the bottom and then weeder on – if it is, stelle dich dabei on a sports mat.

If you use Stehen, you sit and weeder Stehen – and you can use the hand or any other part of the hobs and use it. Erlaubt ist completelich der Einsatz von Beinen und Körpermitte.

Wer das einen mal versucht hat, weiß, dass diese aufgabe eeninfacher klingt as si tatsächlich ist.

Punkte verraten, who is fit du bist

If you get the chance to solve these problems, you can become a punk. If there is a problem, this could be a problem. If you have made the Hilfeleistung by Hand, Knie, Unterarme or de Seiten der Beine, er een punkt abücken. If there can be no zero point at all.

Test based on a study

This strength test is an effective indicator of prosperity, while strong regional health, good weight, good flexibility, core and strength are one of the criteria that can be taken, says Azar.

A study from the year 2012 was an important test of war mortality of 51 and 80 years. The study is bad: if you leave learning material with a new punk at the risks, in the coming years you will become stronger, but you will last longer.

Was man aware of the sparrow: Those persons, who in the study of the lowest Punktzahlen, were a tatsächlich who already tested – only because of the Mortalitätsriskiko natürlich higher.

If it fails, the test is not legitimate or it is not possible to increase wealth even if you are up to 51 years old.

“If we want, we will often talk about herz-kreislauf-health and aerobic fitness, aber Balance, flexibility and mobility as a wirklich weighty,” Azar concretes.

Was the test safe for health?

There are eight points or more of the test files. When it is good, it is the attention and the power of the work. But the test has a few changes: the major factors were not affected, so they were played well.

Were there other green mobility problems that can be solved within 10 minutes. It’s not that the man isn’t healthy and fit, there’s no doubt about it. If you have no idea whether you have a schlafen or a rugschmerzen hat, there may be a current in the test.

This item is suitable for FIT FOR FUN.