
Gut 40 meters above Schornstein sprengt

Gut 40 meters above Schornstein sprengt

For years there was talk of a collapse of the VEB Edelpelz in Leipzig and Schandfleck. Jetzt sollen dort beef 400 Wohnungen entstehen. Zum End der Abrissarbeiten gibt is a great blast.


These ehemaligen en verfallenen VEB Edelpelz in Schkeuditz near Leipzig are sprinkled 42 meters above Schornstein. Since then, all the Gebäude abgeissen have been acquired, a space for cattle 400 people would purchase, which owned the cattle 30,000 square meters in size, the Maxar AG from Berlin, in the middle. “The symbolic Schlusspunkt of the Abrisses marks the jump from the 42 meter high Schornsteins,” said Vorstand Mario Weißkopff. From 1897 to 1992 there was an Edelpelzveredlung business. Nach der Stilllegung versiel das Gelände.

Bis Weihnachten sollen die Abrissarbeiten eremptt sein. A small part of the smaller concrete types can end up on the building block and recycling material among the best street and house users of these planted Wohngebietes verbaut. Here, where Pelze was sold for the Leipziger Messe, sollen bis 2026 around 400 living quarters. Bereits Mitte 2025 sollen die Straßen gebaut and with the Bau des Parkhauses anyway the first Rohbauten were started. (dpa)