
Psychology: Es gibt 3 Arten von Neugier – wo erkennst du dich wieder?

Psychology: Es gibt 3 Arten von Neugier – wo erkennst du dich wieder?

Is it new or not? So actually it’s not that it’s an inappropriate form of Neugier. Although it’s a bad thing and if it is, it can go a long way to Wikipedia’s online enzyme beating.

Who wants more? If you are with humans, you should erase everything as quickly as possible and not come to the Rue again, if you do not want to know all the information on a particular topic? Or is it one of the people who does everything themselves, so maybe you can find out more? Is it possible that it is not all involved in your life and understanding of life?

Study: Who moves on Wikipedia?

If you are a new person, the truth is that you have been lost in an art Wikipedia-Recherche-Rabbithole, even if we have read articles on the various themes, the fragmentation of the war will last a long time. If you don’t know that all individuals are doing this, it’s just a matter of time to start following people on the platform.

There is an interdisciplinary study in the US, which is based on a study of the online enzymatic beatings. The data was for the anonymous and tribes of 483,000 people from 50 Ländern, the über a zetraum of two Monaten Article read on Wikipedia. The team of Dr. Danielle Bassett and Dr. David Lydon-Staley of the University of Pennsylvania has done an analysis of all the people who click and has come up with a different kind of “architectural style.”

The three major styles, the Bassett, Lydon-Staley and their counterparts in their great dating were “Hunter, Busybody and Dancer”, in German and “Jäger:innen, Geschäftige and Tänzer:innen”. If you like the image of Neugier da.

This is the third time that Formen von Neugier

The first group, the Jäger:innen, was subjected to systematic research. Additional activities can be carried out in the underlying areas, so that the network network is expanded. So when you see a much larger view of the Themenfelds machine, it is more interesting. About the topic: The information about the study science fell into the mathematical mathematics in the natural and engineering sciences.

These Geschäftigen dayegen suchen here after single Informationsschnipseln. The Forschungsteam was able to carry out its large, large network work in its activities on Wikipedia. And when you look for information about your culture, you can use this information.

“Die Geschäftigen lieben alles Neue”, olie Danielle Bassett deutlich. “Sie jump from here after that, appear outside the Zusammenhang.” If you are still in touch with the problem, then there is a soul problem, a problem that you can solve.

The Tänzer: It is not possible to write your own text in the information beschaffung: it is a matter of thematically two other things going further and connecting them. So hint welding is another art of large networks, which have a free association within them.

“Tenzer: we are moving on a trail of information, on how to connect the idea with a creative, choreographic art and art,” said Dr. Perry Zurn, co-author of the study. “You don’t want to jump; you connect different destinations, so you can make new purchases.”

So unterschiedlich usefulen Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern Wikipedia

Exciting war, in the federal states, in a large social economy, it was the Bildung that was in the struggle for so long, more losses, weitgefächerte Netzwerke bei der Recherche entstehen – also entsprechend dem Type der Geschäftigen. “We don’t know what to do, but that’s how it is,” Dr. explains. Bassett. “Aber wir haben unsere Vermutungen.”

“Eine Möglichkeit ist, dass Länder mit more Ungleichheit auch more patriarchalische Unterdrückungsstrukturen could have existed, the Herangehensweisen and the Wissensproduction more Jäger-artig einschränken,” said the Wissenschaftlerin. “Länder with greater Gleichheit is a transgression of a Vielfalt of Ideas and thus of a Vielfalt of Arten, which moves us in the World. These are more the Geschäftigen – the Persons, who generate their own ideas and their beings.”

The two hypotheses for this information depend on the relationship between people and Wikipedia in different countries for different souls. A person in an egalitarian state has now arrived at the platform committed to the negotiation activities as to the work.

The three possible sources see that the Wikipedia-utilizers in non-internationalized federal states on different alternative groups of tribes, verschiedene Geschlechter die Bildungsgrade and the abweichenden Surf-Muster on diesen Unterschieden basieren. If there are indications that there are differences, it is also not clear. The team of Dr. Danielle Bassett has gained new experiences – and will continue in the future.
