
“Wirtshaus Social Club” served Stehachterl

“Wirtshaus Social Club” served Stehachterl

There is one thing I have with “Xaver” in der Lange Gasse in Wiener Neustadt culinarically given a name, the other betrieb bis zum Vorjahr das “Feinkost Kartell” on the Marienmarkt, ehe was born in 2023.

Having sisters Xavier Paur and Wolfgang Kapuy-Schwarz provided Lucas Höller hollow “Wirtshaus Social Club“Gründet. In this podcast philosophy about the wine philosophers that you can all use We.

The rules are characterized by a cost-effective operation and the humorous effect of the gamenfreuden with the nutrition and the Offentlichkeit lifted. We are always happy about the character of the character Weinbaugebiet If you wish, you are welcome to join the Trio.


I started the Advent of the “Wirtshaus Social Club” with a new idea. Wiener Neustadter Innenstadt um a culinary Experiment reicher. That classic one Stehachterl Bar feel your comeback. “Allerdings with modern Twist”, with Wolfgang Kapuy-Schwarz, Xaver Paur and Lukas Höller erklären.

Zehn Termine fixed

The Trio made the Plan, it is instructive Geschäftslokal der Inneneinrichter “Aichinger & Aichinger” in der Herzog-Leopold-Straße whoever spends their time living their life. They bring it with ihrem Wirtshaus Charme at their terminus (5./6./12./13./20./27. and 30. 12. from 17 Uhr as well as 7./14./21. 12. from 10 Uhr) a Stück Gastlichkeit in die Innenstadt .

With a warm night Pop-up Wirtshaus wollen die drei Gastgeber en Wein-Versteher nicht nur a plattform voor good Gespräche, including an erlesene Auswahl and Speisen and Getränken bieten. Serve with Stehachterl classics RindsgulaschBeef tartare or Mehlspeisen “wie aus Omas Backstube“.

Wiener Neustadt: "Wirtshaus Social Club“ served Stehachterl

Anyone who wants it differently will experience the fear of one of the other people Weinen begleitet and auch Cocktails don’t put it on the map. Free admission to “Wirtshaus-Philosophien” of other art.

Social vein

The pop-up Wirtshaus is no longer so popular, but it is worth a bit more. Ein Teil der Einnahmen becomes a die Krebshilfe Lower Austria and that Project “Holz mit Herz”. An initiative from Wiener Neustadt has taken a new initiative in the first years with free Brennholz.

Wiener Neustadt’s Bürgermeister Klaus Schneeberger is one of the ideas that has received caritative appreciation not only during the Advent of the Innenstadt.