
Esslingen received “Äffle und Pferdle”-Ampel

Esslingen received “Äffle und Pferdle”-Ampel

In Esslingen a week comes with an “Äffle und Pferdle”-Ampel eingeweiht. Oberbürgermeister Matthias Klopfer was enthusiastic about the new Ampel in the Innenstadt.

The Swabian cult figures “Äffle und Pferdle” lie bare in Esslingen and green on an Ampel. Whoever has the Stadt Mitgeteilt, will receive the Ampel Kommende Woche Dienstag (26. November) – by Oberbürgermeister Matthias Klopfer (SPD). Stehen is located in the Herzen der Stadt, directly at the Bahnhof.

Fans are happy with the new “Äffle und Pferdle”-Ampel

“Bereits seit Jahren sogen Äffle and Pferdle as Swabian Cult Figures bei Jung and Alt für good Laune”, writes the Stadt on its website. In Zukunft they also lived in Esslingen with many Bürgerinnen and Bürger, yet guests who lived there and sailed hereditary males. Auch “Äffle und Pferdle” -Fans rühren schon vorab in de social netzwerken die werbetrommel for the new Ampel. “Vorfreude ist but die schönste Freude”, he is another form of “Pferdle & Äffle – Club”. Ampeln with “Äffle und Pferdle” is one of the most beautiful years in the region – including in Stuttgart, Kirchheim/Teck or Böblingen.