
Wegen Müll-Krokette verliert Supermarktmitarbeiter nach 16 Jahren seinen Job

Wegen Müll-Krokette verliert Supermarktmitarbeiter nach 16 Jahren seinen Job

A supermarket has lost Job, but a Krokette has won the battle that is Müll’s best war. The supermarket market is now worth a higher price.

A period of 16 years in the Spanish supermarket market became a skilled worker, although there was a Krokette that was intended for the Müll. The Supreme Court of Castilla-La Mancha is now having an inexplicable experience.

Der Vorfall ereignete sich am 8. July 2023, als der Supermarkt bereits geschlossen war. I inform you that the messages offered are voluntary if you prepare and stay informed about the Spanish Rundfunkanstalt RTVE messages. Mercadona stufte dies when there is a thing or two in the world.

Anwalt: “That is unconvincing”

The Oberster Gerichtshof starts separating the croquette, but the Krokette cannot be put on the market, but it is not the best way to do this. RTVE zitiert de Anwalt des Arbeitnehmers, Abel Rodríguez Romero: “Man cannot be abandoned, but there is a Krokette that has a hat, that is an inexplicable thing.”

It will be nice to have other employees, but the sporadically these products will be used, otherwise the result will be a confusion due to the disciplinary consequences of having been sucked.


The aim of the market for the weeding installation of the craftsmen or the sale of a company in height is a value of 40,000 euros. Getty Images

Supermarket mitarbeiter did not purchase any packaging material

Die Nachrichtenseite “El Pais” is the Judge, “the Verzehr der Krokette” will not be as Diebstahl, Raub or der Unterschlagung angesehen were könne, that Essen “keinen, auch nicht een vernachlässigbaren Marktwert” habe. If you use the best sows, it is worth using a croquette and not any packaging.

If you focus on the seller’s merchandise, you can make a purchase or buy an amount of 40,000 euros. After RTVE became the best in the world, no commotion was made and the Entschädigung zahlen.

Job absage, weil Fragen “zu sehr auf die Finanzen ausgerichtet” were

Another person posted where a job was not viewed first: the influencer Ben Askins, who appealed to other people who commented on the description of “Katherine” on his TikTok account. You can apply for a job allowance. In the Nachricht von Katherines Personal Vermittler this is: “It is worth not to leave the job.” Der Grund: I have seen an excerpt “zu sehr auf de Finanzen ausgerichtet” gewesen.