
Liam Paynes is a friend from photos in the hotel lobby

Liam Paynes is a friend from photos in the hotel lobby

Kate Cassidy is said to have been tragic for a month with her partners Liam Payne (✝31) in trouble. Der One Direction-Star-Style des Balconies und Hotelhotel in Argentina and much more. Nun ist disruptendes Photo material pulled up, the singer kurz before he said – and dared to continue Kate. “If it’s good, then that’s it Kate not more schmerzhafter became kann, wird es noch schmerzhafter!”you can meet a friend of the Trauernden Page six and concretes: “There is chatter, man hätte ihm halfen could.

Auf den Aufnahmen, die Daily mail in the past, is a regungsloser Liam When you see the three people going through the hotel lobby. This jewelry is arm and arm and runs through the doorway. Obwohl Liam If the boulevard arose under the disease of Drogen Influss and Krampfanfälle, a single Arzt verwiesen from the Mitarbeitern nicht has been collected at the bottom of your Hotelzimmer. Wenig später kam der Vater een Sohnes ums Leben.

Liam starb am 16. October in Argentina. A suicide would result from the loss of debt and from the major consequences that can arise from finding a tragic Unfall corridor. On November 20, the 31st day took place in the Ruhe and the wurde in Great Britain beigesetzt. The war against other people leads to Leichnam’s debts and the debts of the debts. Under the circumstances of the family of the British, their partners Kateour Ex and Kindsmutter Cheryl Cole (41), Liams One-Direction collections are more prominent.