
Der Liveticker zu Autobahn, Gesundheitkosten, Mietrecht

Der Liveticker zu Autobahn, Gesundheitkosten, Mietrecht

05:00 Uhr

Darüber stimulate the Schweiz heute ab

Am heutigen eidgenössischen Abstimmungssonntag müssen Herr and Frau Schweizer over four national Vorlagen arefinden. If all four Member States act as a referendum, the left-wing groups and the community will be affected by the entscheide des Bundesparlaments en des Bundesrats would be affected:

  • Bei der Vorlage über den Autobahn construction in Schweiz is a 5.8 million francs, the Bundesrat and the Parliament invest in woolen. Dagegen from the Traffic Club of Switzerland (VCS) takes care of left-wing parties and related referendum issues.
  • The latest reform is a fact «Einheitliche Finanzierung stationärer and ambulanter Leistungen» (Efas) zum Ziel. Days we live together in Gewerkschaften und Teile der Pflege. Be warned, it is a fact that the quality of the offering is sinking. All kinds of things are done in the links that apply to the reform.
  • Two Mietrechts-Vorlagen über die Untermite and pine Self-interest wollen die Rechte der Vermieter starken. Erstere will write in Gesetz, dass Mietende, de Räume oder ganze Wohnungen untervermieten, neuer schrift van de Einverständnis der Eigendommerschaft een inhollen müssen. Letztere diet darauf ab, Eigen bedarf leichter geltend machen können.

If you can’t eat more traditional food, you can stay away for a while. Also in cantons and in large cities there were significant settlements and:

Wichtige Entscheide in Kantonen and Städten:

  • Erhalt Bern is a city president? If we look at Bern, there is a Umfrage Herausforderin Marieke Kruit (SP) for the Wahlsonntag deutlich in Vorteil sah. This evening the amateur Stapi Alec von Graffenried (Grüne) was no longer the Abwahl von der Spitze der Hauptstadt des Landes after eight years. Another look at the Verweis from the funköpfigen Stadtregierung.
  • Basel-Stadt entscheidet am Sonntag über the Durchführung of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in kommenden Frühjahr. It is not all the case that a legal entity is a sich, nur a part of the city cantons and the Rahmen program that implements its own ESC. The 35 million francs credit has enormously influenced the small EDU faction by the referendum.
  • Biel Support for the Entscheidung, by the SP of the Stadtpräsidium nach Jahrzehnten and the FDP-verliert. There was a Wahlgang war with the free Candidate Natasha Pittet of Genossin Glenda Gonzalez Bassi that was not resolved. We are still alive in our life, following the long-term SP-Stapi Erich Fehr. Obviously it’s a bit: it’s a woman and a novel.
  • In Neuenburg müssen de Stimmberechtigten über eine Verfassungsänderung voor de Schutz of digital integration und de right offline separated. There was a great woman who greatly despised the Beispiel of the Cantons of Geneva. Ensure that incentive measures are taken to give impetus to other years.
  • Die Schaffhauserinnen and Schaffhauser there is a means of power that spreads in the Streitfrage, how the consequences of the past are one of the following times Transparenz initiative the Jungsozialists were soll. The flash over the year’s history is here to stay.
  • Uri Befindet am Sonntag derweil about the People’s Initiative «Isleten for all». Was itself behind the green leaves with their unpainted title hidden: It is around the plants Marina of the Egyptian investors Samih Sawiris on the idyllic Halbinsel im Urnersee. All articles about this project and the Abstimmungskampf gibt’s here zum Nachlesen.
  • Die Zürcher*innen Schliesslich müssen am Sonntag entscheiden, ob ihre Stadtverwaltung den Genus tern used or not. Today we meet the SVP with a People’s Initiative.