
So live in a region with Frauenmangel

So live in a region with Frauenmangel

November 24, 2024, 7:00 AM

100 Frauen im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren und 171 Manner: Experten nennen een solches Verhältnis einen Mannerüberschuss. In Saxony-Anhalt it is a big deal for young people. Others affected are Oranienbaum-Wörlitz. Who is the power in the Alltag brand bar? And was sagen die Frauen?

von Sarah-Maria Köpf, MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT

In the Dunkelheit cattle in the Wörlitzer Park, the very nice Sportplatz is one of the things we recognize. Einmal die Woche is here the Frauenfußballmannschaft of the SV Grün-Weiß Wörlitz zum Training: vierzehn Frauen between 15 and 47 years. “Die Mannschaft ist Familie,” says Andrea Stolzenburg.

The 39 years come from Oranienbaum, with Anfang 20 she sees away. “Damals were that way: Schule fertig, Ausbildung irgendwo suchen, Hauptsache weg. Für die Jungen gibt es here einfach nichts, that is the Traurige. Man has found himself as a Jugendlicher on a tank stand, which moved to Abende.” Fast as hell, every time they are sucked away.

Andrea Stolzenburg moved to Wörlitz in 2019. Nach der Schule will be the first to be a road.
Image: MDR/Sarah-Maria Köpf

Andrea Stolzenburg was in the Nähe von Dresden, später nach Halle. Der Grund: The gelerte Kauffrau für Bürokommunikation will be in the Altenpflege wechseln. “Not a single krafte has appeared that is not good”, there is no other option. In Saxony, money is being made all day long – the divorce means that it is no longer possible. “I work with people. I work hard for her,” said.

Männerüberschuss in Saxony-Anhalt bundesweit am größten

So whoever can become Andrea Stolzenburg is probably younger in Leuten in the region. Statistically speaking, all women leave. The Stadt Oranienbaum-Wörlitz is one of the Orte in Saxony-Anhalt, in the sogenannte Männerüberschuss that is grimly tried.

For every 100 women aged 18 to 29, there are 171 men, if you look at the Federal Office statistics in 2023. Damit lies in the city of the country of 100 women of 117 men. The Bundesweit ist der Männerüberschuss in Saxony-Anhalt in dieser Altersgruppe am größten, auf Platz wei and drei lied Thuringia and Brandenburg.

Die Zahlen saite: Bei der Geburt ist das Verhältnis von Jungen und Mädchen noch relative ausgeglichen. Only after the debts have expired.

Zusammenhang zwischen Frauenmangel und Bildunglevel

“Frauen wird ein höherer Bildungs- und Berufsorientierungswunsch nachgesagt”, is written by Klaus Friedrich, emeritus professor for Socialgeography at Uni Halle. Women have been given the opportunity to deepen and learn, a very enjoyable experience.

Nach der Wende has a Abwanderungskultur herausgebildet, so Friedrich. When women have all been in the service sector wollen en vermehrt nach West-Deutschland, zeigten sich Manner durchau with the Arbeitsbedingungen voor Ort – in landlichen Raum, in Kfz-Gewerbe or in Handel – zufrieden.

Mittlerweile sich der Ost-West-Gegensatz en. “Wir haben aber nach die vor einen Stadt-Land-Gegensatz. Those land regions have never been so in the West as in Eastern Europe, higher men like Frauenanteile,” said Friedrich. The fact is that we have achieved the economic results – demographically, while the economy is also economic, we will enter the economy in the country.

Zurückgekehrt ways of the family

Andrea Stolzenburg hat mittlerweile in the Abschluss als Fachkraft in the Altenpflege nachgeholt. 2019 entschließt sie, zurück in de Region zu zhen – der Familie weg. “That Wurzeln is here. That is home and home is everything,” he said.

But the way to Halle has neither another Grund. “We live in the Parallel Road before starting our journey. Man is not alone anymore, man is not more, we are behind the scenes, we are not on the road”, it is. In Wörlitz you can spend your days there – even outside Dunkeln. “Man, this is not passion. That is not Dorf and Dorf is beautiful.”

Job technical work is another problem, in Wörlitz, in the small Pflegeheim. In 2022 it will no longer hang in Halle, but in Dessau.

Fachkräfte in de regional caves

In the fallen regions in Saxony-Anhalt, the man auf Rückkehrer wie Andrea Stolzenburg. Spezielle Program sollen helfen, weibliche Fachkräfte wieder aufs Land zu hen. Trotzdem has never been a fact, I thought Jana Worreschk from the land initiative “Fachkraft im Fokus”. “That is the case, that is true for all small and medium-sized businesses. That is handicraft, land management, metalworking industry. Of course, that is not the classic Frauenberufe.”

You may have to change work, leave a family or expand your family specifically for your wife.

Nachwuchsmangel auch bei der Frauenmannschaft

Paula Gollek from Oranienbaum has no idea what she stands for. Die 16-Jährige is one of the young players in the Mannschaft, besucht die 10. Klasse. If you’re wondering what your physiotherapist looks like, this is a trap in Dessau. The Zusage for an Ausbildungsplatz can be viewed. Also said: “In Oranienbaum ist einfach nicht fell los los. We were happy with our renter.”

Paula Gollek will start my Ausbildung in Dessau in the coming years.
Image: MDR/Sarah-Maria Köpf

So you can have more fun while sharing time with the others with your friends. Beim Training can absalt and exert the guilt stress. A large amount of tools cannot go any further in Oranienbaum-Wörlitz.

Trotzdem is not easy, new Frauen für die Mannschaft zu gewinnen. “Wir haben Probleme, Nachwuchs ranzubekommen”, says Mannschaftsleiter Lars Ries. Weil der Standort is not that attractive and with the ÖPNV nur schwer it is possible that the Association will offer an Abholservice angeboten. From the age of 14, women train a generic Mannschaft while training their muscles, which falls under the Mannermannschaft. An image that is exemplary for the Frauenmangel der Regio ist.

Nothing has been lost in Oranienbaum. The house is suitable for Rentner.

Paula Gollek, 16 years old, Fußballplayer in Wörlitz

Frauenmangel started straight fights

Since it was all the case that the American Auswirkungen of Frauenmangel no longer existed, it said in 2007 a veröffentlichte Studie van de Berlin Instituutions für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung. The Aussichten for the young verbs are men who are on the Arbeitsmarkt when they find the partner who is “worried”, it is expensive. In the affected areas, the rights of the parties have been undermined.

Auch das Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Halle writes in a study of the social-economic effects of demographic walks in the rural Räumen in Saxony-Anhalt: “Bei über 20 Prozent Mannerüberschuss changed sich Werte, Normen und Leitbilder; There is a great way of life emerged that focuses on the radicalization of society and the political polarization through the enterprise of groups with extremist orientations.”

Mannerüberschuss im Alltag kaum beer brand bar

The faction of football in Wörlitz is a fact: a man in his region is characterized by the end of statistics – in all days. Einzig Bianca Gensicke beobachtet een Tendenz in ihrem Beruf: “I am working in concrete work. That is in the production of our men. Aber in the office is fast growing”, it means the construction work.

The 47 years have passed since the Schulabschluss in the region. Ursprünglich aus Vockerode, see with Anfang 20 nach Wörlitz in a WG. The city has deteriorated over the years. “I hate everything here. I have the family. I got a job here. I have been in my company for 25 years and the roads are still here.”

Bianca Gensicke is one of the Gründerinnen der Frauenfußballmannschaft.
Image: MDR/Sarah-Maria Köpf

The time has come, in 2016 the Frauenfußballmannschaft is out of a “Bierlaune” heraus gründet, who said. If the mother of two children is happy, they are happy to have fun in the region. If the company deals with nannying, it will be a day. “It’s a matter of years. It’s a bit of a swing. If the children have the will, the man will get better,” he said.

A spiral, showing the scenic regions in the country where you can camp. Trotzdem sin de Frauen züversichtlich. Andrea Stolzenburg commented: “It’s a good idea. After all, you’ll never be disappointed.”

More about Thema Männerüberschuss

This theme in the program:MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT HEUTE | November 24, 2024 | 7:00 PM

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