
Wetter morgen am Montag: New Week starts off brisk and mild

Wetter morgen am Montag: New Week starts off brisk and mild

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Zum Start in de wie new Woche erwarten uns morgen am Montag (25.11.2024) beinahe schon frühlingshafte Temperatures. Am Oberrhein is op 19 Grad rauf! In Nordwesten I bring a Kaltfront teilweise stürtische Böen.

On the Vorderseite a massive Tiefdrucksystems at Great Britain names SIGRID wird tomorrow am Montag (25.11.2024) weiterhin sehr mild Luft von Nordafrika bis nach Deutschland geführt.

Gleichzeitig grift im Nordwesten bereits de regnerische und sturmische Kaltfront dieses Tiefs auf Deutschland über. Fly the air service an airspace and in the wash of the week when the temperature drops.

Everything about the theme of wind can be found in our Weather Lexicon.

The Wetterbericht for Deutschland am Montag on 25.11.2024

Montagfrüh It is fast and not miserable, with a mild temperature of 14 degrees in the West and frost -2 degrees in Upper Bavaria, but it is not very warm. It is a good idea to do everything in Bayern after Nebelauflösung continues longer and in the east releases and stirs the Tag. The temperature does not rise in South Africa at a mild 11 to 16 degrees.

In the northwestern region the Woche starts with high mountains from 13 to 17 degrees and on the Upper Rhine with Spitzenwerten up to 19 degrees heavy snowfalls are very mild, here is a Kaltfront allergy to dense clouds, rain fell and a strong one, in Böen auch Sturmish Wind (up to 65 km/h).

An der Nordsee also exists in the western Mittelgebirgen Sturmboen um 75 km/h. If the temperature drops with an air flow in the Northwest, it goes to round 9 Grad zurück. Rasch kühler is for the Kaltfront-dort, where Himmel is not clear.

Livecam Borkum – Gezeitenland – Nordbad

Wetter in Deutschland: So it’s a weiter service day

Am on duty see the rest of the Kaltfront nor beyond the South West. Dahinter Lockert is one of the sons who come to Vorschein. There are a few rain showers in the west and north. The higher elevations are between 9 and 12 degrees.

Ben Mittwoch See if there is any rain in the West and North, which will be pleasant in the South. An ending at the end of the week is a normal regneric. The temperature will last longer and during the southern night there will no longer be zero.

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