
The US Army loses the stromübertragung for the Schlachtfeld attack

The US Army loses the stromübertragung for the Schlachtfeld attack

The US Army has the Rustsunternehmen Raytheon an Auftrag zur Entwicklung eines Systems zur drahtlosen Energieübertragung erteilt. The technology that endures military logistics foundation legend reimburses the source Transport of Batterien and Treibstoff on Schlachtfeldern has a position of power, while Raytheon has served itself in one go Persemitteilung schreibt.

“Drahtlose Energie- und Datenübertragung wird entscheidende Vorteile im künftigen Gefechtsfeld beets, especially in umkämpften Gebieten”, erklärt Colin Whelan von Raytheon. The system is no longer energy efficient, but can also serve as a communication channel.

➤ Read more: Satellite überträgt erstmals Energie in Weltraum

Weniger Ausrustung

Laut eenem Message bei New Atlas trägt der durchschnittliche US-Soldat heute bis zu 64 kg Ausrust on the back – and a better Teil davon since Batterien, the seine Ausrüstung bereiben. Gleichzeitig is de Versorgung von Fahrzeugen mit Treibstoff aufwändig and compliziert.

The idea is that you can use the Akkus, Treibstoffleitungen or Tankwagen-stattdessen Energy efficiency Microwellen was extremely slow. Man bräuchte dabei complete infrastruktur, um de Strahlung “einzufangen” bzw. in nutzbaren Strom umzuwandeln.

The US Army beamed Strom

2022 will be announced at the US Army Research Field at Blossom Point in the US Federal State of Maryland in the state of Maryland Powerfully radiant electrical energy with a Leistung von 1.6 Kilowatts uber one kilometer became uber slow.

For project development in project development SOPE-M (Safe and Continuous Power Beaming Microwave) where the Strom is walked in Mikrowellen, a transmitter is broadcast on an Empfänger, the best X-Band antenna in Tausenden. These antennas are connected with a diode, the microwellenleistung over time. How the Mikrowellenstrahl works 10 Gigahertz.

➤ Read more: The American army beamed for a mile

Not a new idea

The idea of ​​the power coming loose is no different. Schon for a quick 100 Jahren träumte Nikola Tesla Davon. In the blessing Vision there is one weltweites Stromnetz construction, the cable-loose energy with long-term transmission. DARPA, the fight against the US military, can make a judgment about a certain time Research project and the schaffung is a beneficent flow of currents that can possibly be used.

➤ Read more: Weltweites lose Stromnetz: The US Army project begins

It seems that “a stream of flows will disappear, the energy of new and new energy can be used, including prosperity“, writes DARPA. Das Netz soll “fast and reduced energy hunger” with Strom versorgen.

Experiment with solving the current by Strom continues over time. Bereits 1975 depending on, 475 Watt power supply Over a journey of 1.6 kilometers with an efficiency of 54 kilometers.