
Augsburger Panther in der DEL: Nichts ist rosarot – Sport

If there were no derby minutes yet to be played, Dennis Reul greatly increased the emotional level. The Defender of the Augsburger Panther setzte seine auf 193 Zentimeter verteilten 115 Kilogramm in wenigen Spielsekunden heavy gegen Maximilian Kastner, Markus Eisenschmid and Andreas Eder one and zoffte sich nor verbale with Patrick Hager, the Captain of EHC Red Bull Munich. “Pure emotions” are the things that Kastner suggests. Emotionally, the Augsburgers in the Samstag in Munich SAP Garden is still a scale, the 2:3-Niederlage trotz a final Druckphase aber auch nicht more abwenden konnten.

The Augsburger Niederlage war, which is new to the Series, has not once left the Panther in this phase. Der letzte Sieg liegt mittlerweile fünf Wochen zurück: een 4:2-Erfolg in Munich, mothers are the Panther nor on Rang fünf dertafelle. Jetzt steckt der AEV wieder mitten in de Abstiegskampf der Deutschen Eishockey Liga (DEL).

Trainer Ted Dent stated that he is proud of his plea number without hinting at the player. A ‘good and dramatic’ game has arisen, a war ‘stolz’ on his game and go to the protocol, that ‘that Bank is positive’. The Kanadier will die soon good agentBut the fact is that communication is another way to see differently. Na 2:5-Heimniederlagein der Vorwoche gegen de Iserlohn Roosters, een direkten Konkurrenten im Kampf gegen de Abstieg, hatte er des Pressekonferenz darauf verwiesen, dass seine Spieler Profis seien, manche schon 34, 35 or der 40 Jahre alt. “If you don’t know what to do, give the answer to your question,” er says. Consider the question from Iserlohns coach Doug Shedden, who addresses the journalists: “Isn’t it true that the professional motivates himself? Do you want to see the Cheerleader, how do you get into the gang?’

There is a war going on between the moments when a Lächeln regenerates. The problem with the Augsburger start is the beginning of the game. When all the new Lower Layers founded the Panther in the Rückstand, the Verunsicherung was immer weiter anwachsen ließ. Deshalb is in the Startdritteln-schwer, said Verteidiger Mick Köhler in front of the Augsburger Mannschaftsbus, he is in the Catacombs of the SAP Gardens a sanitary car. „So weißt: Mein Gott, wir wollen nicht schon whoder the first Gegentor, weil youder sagt: Wer kommen jedes my first Gegentor.“ Damit said aber schon „im Kopf drinnen”. Köhler, if you are an artist, thanked team manager Duanne Moeser, while you experienced the badelatschen of the Kabine, described the situation as follows: “If you say that you do not want any Rosaroten Panther, then you think you are a Rosaroten Panther . “

Die Auftritte in Munich and at 1:2 in Wolfsburg we will see more about it later

At the Augsburger Panther the moment has come when the rosarot no longer exists: You are in the vergangen-zehn Partien de wenigsten Tore all DEL-Klubs geschossen (19), aber die meisten kassiert (28). There were as many Powerplay (mickrige sechs Prozent Erfolgsquote) as the Unterzahlspiel (61 Prozent, zehn Prozent schlechter als de zweitschlechteste) in de schwächste de Liga. Cody Kunyk’s Powerplay Tor zum 2:3 in Munich (34.) was the first after more than 50 minutes of the tournament with more personal requirements.

Köhler hat with a look at the table of our soul: “If we are able to move quickly, we will have our other souls settled before the season.” The journey in Munich and at 1:2 in Wolfsburg will take place later. if all goes well, it will have been “viel besser”, as in the Partien zuvor. Signal Verteidigerkollege Max Renner did not receive a portion of Fatalismus with pure: “Irgendwann kommt es wieder, irgendwann gewinnen we weder. It’s time to get back to normal.” Womöglich schon am Dienstag bei de Frankfurter Löwen.