
Riesa: SuperEnduro-Wettkampf available in January

Riesa: SuperEnduro-Wettkampf available in January

So if you don’t want all the tickets for the credible Motorsport event in January to go away. It’s a good idea to eat more in the Vorjahren.

Riesa. Am 14. Dezember starts exploring the new SuperEnduro-WM-Saison. This will be delivered to the country in the future on 4 January 2025. The second station signal will be available. Der Ansturm on the Tickets for the German Grand Prix war is bigger if you want: Inzwischen gives this small card more. “So who were there, neither were there any purchases,” said Daniel and Tobias Auerswald from the gleichnamigen gastgebenden Eventmanufaktur – and sincerely, they would like to have more information about the availability of the WT Energy System Arena. ‘For those things that have never been done, there is great damage, after we have made a plan that is not yet very good. “We can also continue to work with others even more intensively,” explains Daniel Auerswald.

We are confident that the Starter Field for the new SuperEnduro-WM-Saison nor not at 100 Prozent steht, since the next Eckpunkte kannt: After the Brite Billy Bolt that Saison 2023/2024 with a risk of Knee-Verletzung zu Ende fuhr and with their fourties Title secured , is nach longer Verletzungspause Schon seit moreeren Running wieder aktiv. Demzufolge tritt der als derzeit unschlagbar geltende Husqvarna-Werkspilot to een kostenloser kostenlose Vereidigung an.

Also German Starter dabei

Sein im vergangen Winter schärfster Rivale, Landsmann Jonny Walker, wechselte das Team und Fabrikat and is jetzt statt Semi-Worksfahrer at Beta full Factory-Rider at Triumph. When starting the US-Endurocross competition, the hanger with SuperEnduro-WM, was able to start a single time and was sweaty after four long tables.