
So use Vitamin C for Erkältungen

So use Vitamin C for Erkältungen

Vitamin C is the most commonly used vitamin. I would have a problem solving problem, another person is one of the most experienced schützen. Had he started working and who is the active Forschungslage?

Historical context: How do you get from Glaube, what is Vitamin C at Erkältungen hilft?

Die Schweizer Pharmafirma Roche konnte laut SWR Culture with a major labor campaign in the 1930s, the years of the miraculous wonders of vitamin C sows came to an end. Who erasewaswirkt.orga blog about the Forschungsnetzwerks Cochrane, Schreibt, have done an experimental study in the 30-year study that vitamin C can influence the infection resistance of the körpers. Daraufhin Wurden more Studyen Durchgeführt, de Einfluss von Vitamin C auf Erkältungen unteruchten. In the 1970s, Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling took on a theme that was lightly highlighted in the book “Vitamin C and the Common Cold.” There is war ARD alpha In general, the dose of Vitamin-Präparate – for all Vitamin C – contains a healthy dose of vitamin C. And great niece Nur Schnupfen, son of Krebs. Aktuelle Studies look at a different Ergebnis.

Vitamin C and Erkältung: This is the Forschungslage

Wissenschaftler des Cochrane-Netzwerks published a review of the topic in 2013, examining 67 studies that had been conducted. The Ergebnisse weld the following varieties:

  • The normal amount of vitamin C cannot occur.
  • A regular intake of vitamin C can influence the amount and functioning of the body. For Erwachsenen the day is 8 Prozent, for Kindern 14 Prozent.
  • In humans, the “extreme physical load is possible during marathon swimming or the sales” vitamin C has an extra high dose: the risks can be increased.

In the review, it is possible for professional patients to individually test whether vitamin C is up to standard, because the study does not end the therapy. If you carry out an active study of the year 2020, vitamin C and the atemwegbeschwerden will no longer be healthy. Other vitamin studies have been conducted in research on vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D.

Erkältung: Who needs vitamin C in the kitchen?

Trotz der Studienage rund um Erkältungen stht fest: Vitamin C is essential for nutrition. As antioxidants, there are also free radicals that can help other people when cooking in the kitchen. The European Community for Health and Safety (EFSA) has made a long list of health-related health concerns that are essential for health care. There are other following health claims for vitamin C:

  • Vitamin C is normally caused by normal energy metabolism.
  • Vitamin C has a normal effect on the immune system.
  • Vitamin C helps with digestion Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bee.

The tagesbedarf and vitamin C are on the German market for erwachsene at 110 milligrams (men) and 95 milligrams per tag (woman). For Raucher, the weight of the jewelry is 155 and 135 milligrams. If the stress is higher than the vitamin C. Laut Manon Struck-Pacyna from Lebensmittelverband Deutschland, 15 minutes of stress can consume more than 300 milligrams.

As a wash, vitamin is in surplus and vitamin C is a little depleted by cooking. Laut der Verbraucherzentrale kan die regular Einnahme von sehr Hohen Dosierungen – von 3 tot 4 Gramm am Tag – een Vitamin C Blähungen and Durchfall auslösen. Through the Federal Institute for a risk assessment of 250 milligrams in the tag form, the EFSA can receive an income from 1 gram that does not exist. If you see the Nierensteine ​​​​or the Vorrerkrankungen and the Nieren, the Verbraucherzentrale is vorsichtig signal.

The problem can be solved by removing the Tagesbedarf. Lebensmittel with vitamin C includes peppers, spinach and broccoli.