
We encounter the power of American presidents: the Trump method

We encounter the power of American presidents: the Trump method

H Am I finally an apostrophe Kamala Harris die Wahl kostent? It is an Apostrophe, the stenographer team of the Weißen Hausesnachträglich in the transcription of a speech by current President Joe Biden. Make sure there is an aftercare agent. Now there is an Apostrophe that is separated by the Wähler Donald Trumps to see as “Müll” or now some geschmacklosen Comedian, who has made a great rendition of Trumps in New Yorker Madison Square Garden of the USA in Karibikinsel Puerto Rico as “an Ozean swimming Müllhaufen” sprach.

“Euch Müll was upset,” Trump said. “That is not as bad as ‘die Bemitleidingenwerten’”. As “deplorables”, Hillary Clinton hated Trump’s rule in 2016 and the impeachment that spent its time with a Mühlstein in the Hals. In a book you say damn Trump getting a “political gift.”

In a rapid phase of the Präsidentschaftskampagne it is about a prägende, die wahlentscheidende Aussage. Ronald Reagan wrote in 1980 when he told Jimmy Carter: “Is it a matter of four years?”, Bill Clinton announced a Wahlkampf team in 1992 saying: “Is it a matter of Wirtschaft in his Dummköpfe”. With Barack Obama the war is now a bit Wort: “Hope”.

Donald Trump’s Secret

Donald Trump said he would hold on to his money and that all Anhangers should absolutely stay put. There is no damage. Nothing happened, but it is a sunken commodity. Under the trotz – or perhaps the roads – all the hetzerischen and unwahren activities have won that Wahl.

Was it the Mystery of the Trump Method? You can use more Elemente. It is the best choice: Wiederhole deine Botschaft immer wieder! It is a role that Rolle plays because he has been given an impetus or a foundation. Mache is so long that it hangs in the kitchen. It’s a great time, a great time spent, but it’s often fun to listen, from different channels, to different channels, while the lugen on Facebook or X sitiert and expired.

Then we will be happy at the end of the Millionen fest, it will be worth it 2020. Betrug in großem Gab oder the better bankroller Trump as president of the Wirtschaft in Schwung brings and that life will become better. 30,000 “Unwahrheiten” Trumps hat die Washingtonpost bis zum Ende seiner first Amtszeit gezählt.

The two elements: Spalte die Gesellschaft in gut en bose, Freunde und Feinde. There is a Grundregel for all populists, identifying and all year round the Verantwortung for believing major issues. If the people stand up for all immigrants and immigrants, the millions of Democrats in the country will make a lot of money, a white cut to the minority of their machines. If you act, it is a “Mörder, Vergewaltiger en Kriminelle”, so pauses that are absurd for Urteil.

Statistical nur zwer zu untermauern

Trump’s behavior, a journey that exceeds Kriminalität, will not be covered by the Facts. Zwischen 1980 und 2016 ist de Gesamtzahl in de USA Immigrating een 118 Prozent gestiegen. Gewalstkriminalität in the USA from 1980 to 1990, sank in Germany at 36 Prozent until 2016.

The Zahlen tribes of the Marshall Project, the statistics of the US-Justiz system, are a visible light. Die New York Times title of the article about this Zahlen with: “Der Mythos vom kriminellen Einwanderer”. If Trump is still confronted with his actions, the 2017 war will quickly leave half of the US Citizens who are traveling through the Kriminalität führe. When migrants receive more money and social security, migrants will not receive social security (rent).

Paperless migrants addressed Trump to the people and described them as “Tiere”, the “das Blut unseres Landes poisonen”. There is power over a position of power in the White House, which is directly responsible: ‘Kamala has an Armee illegale fremder Gang-Mitglieder aus de Kerkern der Dritten Welt, aus Gefängnissen and Irrenanstalten importiert, and sie hat si schön in unserer Mitte angesiedelt, damit si innocent American citizens auflauern“.

It is not that life in the US has become significant because of Joe Biden, the most statistical figures have now disappeared. Laut der Expertise von Moody’s must make a breakthrough in the Haushalt am Ende von Bidens Präsidentschaft 1,120 Dollar meer in Monat Ausgeben. The household business starts in the period that it has a value of $ 1,192 – it is a good idea to start a business venture, do not engage in business activities and run a strong business organization.

Trump started living in August, while the speck would enjoy his life more – and if the Grund would start there is all serious ‘Wind Energy’. The “fühlte” inflation cannot be separated before the 30 percent of the Wählerschaft sagt, in a country that leads to a “on the right path”.

Autocracy versus Democracy

Die Methode Trump, Baustein drei: Gib nie een Fehler zu, bitte niemals um Entschuldigung! It is difficult to make a Trumpian handling of the Corona pandemic. Am 10. February 2020 says it is the first Corona infection that dominates the virus: “It is so, it is so in April, when it became warmer, while a miracle moved. I courted that.”

In a speech on 11. March, after 33 Corona-Toten in the US, it is worth seeing “the great value of the American Risk sehr, sehr light”. There were 80,000 people in the United States after Donald Trump took office, the Corona Zahlen “quickly overtook everything”. Bis zur Wahl in November would have one million infections and 230,000 Todesfälle registrations.

Blame was on Trump for the Medien, for the Governor of the Democratic Republic of the Federal States, then for China and for the World Health Organisation. Bedauert hat Trump is empty, that’s the way Corona die Geschäfte in seinem Hotelbetrieb in Mar-a-Lago schlechter gelaufen seien.

The fourth element of the Trump Method: Answer to political criticism with good results! We warned of an autocracy that Trump would not be able to choose. Trump started talking about whether he was going to have “these entanglements in an uncontrollable direction” in the country. I said in the TV debate with Kamala Harris in September: ‘If you talk about democracy, it is a deception of democracy. “Sie sind die Bedrohung der Demokratie”.

Because it is very interesting itself, it became a long tag with a dictator-director and a platform Truth Social-gefordert, focused on the “big bets” during the Wahl of 2020 “die Verfassung from the past”. Criticism of the Plan of Project 2025, the power of the German presidents.

That Dream Team


Baustein Fünf der Methode Trump is the most sensible: Umgehe die etablierten Medien en schaffe Dir eigene Kommunikationskanäle! Trump has established the Medien von der New York Times if the TV channel CBS or CNN joins in when “Feinde des Volkes” is heard, then you see “fake news media”.

Statistical studies, as chairman of the Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter on January 6, 2021, are aware of the Sturm at the Kapitol. This war is one of the motives for Elon Musk, the superior force of the Kurznachrichtendienst in Angriff his nephews, who will receive a cash prize of 44 million dollars in March 2022.

With his companies Tesla and Space Twitter may not make any money, but it is one of the most universal global purchases. The fact that there has been a spate for a few years is insulting, it is gründlich separated. Seine Egomanie und Sprunghaftigkeit have Twitter inzwischen zu einem toxicen Ort, de seine früheren nutzer derzeit in Scharen verlassen.

The dilemma is that the platforms on Twitter are not even the rules that are used, that are used in the analogues of the world and a single spread of Hass, lugen and policyigungen gewisse cross-border setzen. Twitter, Facebook and others were founded in 1996 under Section 230 of the US Telecommunications Convention through a distributed sale. Statistics can be in moderation themselves.

If there is no proper functioning and regularity, Zensur is used here. One of the setbacks is that a whistle machine, terror propaganda and sexual Darstellungen Missbrauchs, from Verschwörungserzählungen and right-wing extremist Hetze.

At Am 13. July separates Elon Musk and zur Wahl Trumps. 130 Million Dollars Goes to Trump’s Wahlkampf Aus. There are 204 million followers on Seit Trumps Wahlsieg weicht Musk nicht von dessen Seite.

Nun soll er in Trumps Auftrag ermitteln, wie een Drittel der Ausgaben aus de US-Haushalt gestrichen was adopted. It is worth getting into the Grübeln, if the SpaceX hat in the past has delivered a state setup at a height of 15.4 billion dollars. And Tesla’s E-Cars were just an answer to the climate change plan – but Trump is still not supposed to do this.