
AGRANA presents an extensive product range for the food and distribution industry for ‘Food Ingredients Europe’ • news • onvista

AGRANA presents an extensive product range for the food and distribution industry for ‘Food Ingredients Europe’ • news • onvista

EQS-Media / 25.11.2024 / 10:54 CET/CEST

AGRANA presents an extensive product range for food and industry in the field of “Food Ingredients Europe”

The Austrian Lebensmittelkonzern AGRANA set out the Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) in Frankfurt with a wide range of products, including fruit, brown flavors and special products, including starch, sour cream, aromas, syrup and sauces for food products. Die FiE, und bedeutendste Fachmessen voor Lebensmittel und Getränke met jährlich bound 1,400 Ausstellern und 25,000 Besucher:innen, von 19.-21. November 2024 in der Messe Frankfurt statt.

For years we have stood for AGRANA the functionality and the nachaltigkeit of Lebensmitteln in the Mittelpunkt der FiE, two all-in-one solutions, 3D printer and Live-Cooking that increase interest in such matters. The consumption trends are increasing in the themes Natürlichkeit, Gesundheit, Genuss and Nachhaltigkeit. So at the fair, where AGRANA has the breiten product portfolio, there is more attention to the targeted and Fleischersatz presentation. With more vegan alternatives in the combination of pineapple-drachen fruit or kürbiskern-vanilla-stelllte AGRANA and your Entwicklungskompetenz under Beweis. You can use the best, safe and aromatic components from your own home to combine All-In-One-Losungen.

“The FiE in Frankfurt is a war for a perfect location, an innovative company for the Lebensmittelindustry for presentations. There is a new strategy for AGRANA NEXT LEVEL, which includes a new Geschäftsbereich ‘Food & Beverage Solutions’ made of products for the Lebensmittel- and Getränkeindustrie and our Innovationskraft weiter vorantreiben“, clear AGRANA CEO Stephan Büttner.

Chocolate alternatives and new specialty variations

Other products can be ordered: within more innovative special variations: bitter-sweets Vanilleeis with Pink-Grapefruit-Karamell-Swirl or sweet-sweets Schokoladeneis with Blutorangen-Zitronen-Gewürz standen auf der Eiskarte. If you have a fair egg with a fruity Blaubeer-Lavender-Swirl when you make a yoghurt, restored with a Schokoladenalternative to the basic fermentation of the Sonnenblumenkern, move the Geschmack des Fachpublikums.

Safe, tasty Fleisch alternatives

Discover the highlights of the AGRANA-Messestand with Live Cooking and the Bistro-Bar. View the products from AGRANA Geschäftsbereiche zum Einsatz here: for vegan Schokoladenkuchen with Marillen marmelade for vegan Fleischballchen with Weizen Protein-Basis and lockerem Kartoffelpüree. Before all Fleischersatz products are processed with smack and texture. The recipes were developed by AGRANA and serve as a Proof of Concept for the Einsatz of Maisstärke, Kartoffelphasern and texture of Weizen Protein.

Mit Betain against aging and jet lag

Functional Lebensmittel, one of the sunken Lebensstil unterstützen and the Körper in seiner Regeneration unterstützen, is a stronger trend. Maintain an inhalant, the AGRANA has a technology-free production of dairy products and it may be that something goes wrong, another in the processing and post-treatment. The positive effect of the detergent on the material layer says something about anti-aging or anti-jet lag effects in those products.

Flavors and Beverage Compounds from AUSTRIA JUICE

AUSTRIA Juice, a joint venture of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG and der RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG, includes Beverage-Compounds as Orangen-Alternative in Mittelpunkt. Weiteren Wurden Aromen für de Einsatz in Fruitsäften und Getränken and auch Anwendungsbeispiele von Aroma wie Traubenzucker or der Gummibärchen gezeigt. You can find out more about the aromatic aspects of the food in Pralines (Banana-Coconut Nuss-Rum) or in Mocktails under Beweis: Serviert wurden am Stand alkoholfrie Mojitos und Mai Tais.


AGRANA refines agricultural materials from high quality materials and a range of industrial products. Rund 9,000 Mitarbeiter erwirtschaften an weltweit 53 Production standorten einen jährlichen Konzernumsatz von rund 3.8 Bill. €. The Unternehmen Wurde 1988 has become a world market leader in the fruit industry, one of the most important producers of fruit concentrates in Europe and in the segment of the most important producers of specialized carton, corn and weizen stärke products made from bio-ethanol. AGRANA is the most efficient Zuckerunternehmen in Zentral- and Osteurope.

For Rückfragen:

Mag. (FH) Markus Simak, Pressesprecher

+43 1 21137 12084, [email protected]

Mag. (FH) Hannes Haider, Investor Relations Officer

+43 1 21137 12905, [email protected]

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End of Pressemitteilung

Issuer/Herausgeber: AGRANA Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft

Schlagwort(e): Unternehmen

25.11.2024 CET/CEST Veröffentlichung en Pressemitteilung, übermittelt durch EQS Group AG.

2037607 25.11.2024 CET/CEST