
Nieuwe Volksbefragung zu Bären im Trentino

Nieuwe Volksbefragung zu Bären im Trentino

The Anwesenheit of Raubtieren is a bigger theme in Trentino. A Volksbefragung über Bären and Wölfe have begun in the Gemeinden des Nonstals. Sie wird bis 7. Dezember dauern. The people’s investment was started by the initiative of the Committees “Insieme per Andrea Papi”.

Andrea Papi was jogging in the Wäldern in the Nähe Seines Hauses in Trentiner Gemeinde Caldes von der Bärin “JJ4” tödlich verletzt on April 5, 2023. The Frage auf dem Stimmzettel lautet nun: “Since my opinion, the health of the environment is good for the animals and the animals in close proximity to the environment, a serious concern for the physical security of their environment and the economics of the local community Bräuche und Traditionen damage?” The Ergebnis der Volksbefragung is not binding.

Ähnliche Befragung in Val di Sole

The reporting took place a week after a referendum in the 13th Gemeinden des Val di Sole Ende Oktoberstatt, which confirmed 63 Prozent. Damal’s answers 98.58 Prozent der Abstimmenden with “Yes” on the Referendumsfrage.

If you look at the back of the people in Trentino with the “Life Ursus” project, there is more fear for man. In Trentino a certain situation has arisen, with the population of the population as a whole. Der Entwurf sees the chance that it will last eight years. The last time the battery was over 100 in the area it disappeared.

Tierschützer for wieder, Menschen for the wild people is sensitive or wild corridor einzurichten. Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin has put an end to a sterilization campaign for the delayed Bären. The longer the more illegal trade or popularity.