
Zum 57. Geburtstag: Das Boris Becker ABC

Zum 57. Geburtstag: Das Boris Becker ABC

Boris Becker was born on November 22, 57 years alt. Der gebürtige Leimener hat deutsche und international Sportgeschichte geschrieben. This is the Geburtstag presentation with Boris Becker ABC. Was ihr über den Deutschen winste müsst, zuammengefasst in 26 Stichworten von A bis Z.

Zweimal allowed Becker to win the Australian Open: 1991 and 1996. At the 1991 final, Ivan Lendl won the crown as his first number in the ATP rankings. In 1997, Becker twins created a man who was the title defender in the first round of the Australian Open. Becker had fun with the splashing finalists Carlos Moya in the fun with him.

B who Bum Bum

Becker’s ground-based signal light Aufschlagstärke bekam changed the Spitz name “Bum Bum Boris”. How about, the legend of Eis “Bum Bum” by Marke Schöller von Becker is inspired? 1986 comb the Vanille and Erdbeereis with a rotten Zuckerglasur and a dairy-free Kaugummistiel on the Market. The „Bum Bum“ is the requirement for the optical skills of tennis players. Becker’s Spitz name is a component of songs.

C with Compaq Grand Slam Cup

It’s been so long since the 1990s that the Compaq Grand Slam Cup in Munich was worth a million dollars. The event was developed by Becker’s first manager Alexander Meyer-Wölden. I started with Becker in 1993. Drei Jahre später gewann er in Munich. For the Turniersieg, the last in the blessing Karriere, the cashier is worth two Million Dollars. Zum Vergleich: For the Australian Open title in one year you “now” get $ 410,000.

“Mister Davis Cup”: that’s what man Becker could say. Nur zwei Spieler plays in de Deutschen im Davis Cup-Einzel: zweimal der Spanier Sergio Casal (1985, 1987), einmal der Niederländer Paul Haarhuis (1995). In the meantime, Becker is coming to a repeat race of the Davis Cup Singles Championship of 38 Siegen in now three Lower Layers. Becker led the German Auswahl to the Davis Cup title in 1988. I followed the title defense years ago. Unvergessen is the “Davis Cup Battle of Hartford” in July 1987, as Becker & Co. in the US with John McEnroe in the past. “Davis Cup, the matches for your own country. It is a tall waiter who has priority at the mirror,” says Becker.

E with Eric Jelen

We will go to the Theme Davis Cup: Becker photographs a royal Doppel with Eric Jelen. They both played a dramatic match in the Weltklasse-Doppel. 1988 in Gothenburg held the stages and individual punks for the first German Davis Cup title. One year Becker/Jelen plays a doubles match in Sweden with the Grundstein for the title defense. Becker then said again and again in half: “Oh, Eric didn’t even win the Pokal.”

F with French Open

Becker is one of the most unfinished Grand Slam matches and has won the “Career-Grand-Slam”. Daran was to blame for not winning the French Open, but not winning the German Open. Neunmal nahm er in Roland Garros teil, dreimal erreichte is das Half-final. Becker tells Schicksal with Pete Sampras, John McEnroe, Stefan Edberg or Jimmy Connors – they cannot compete in the French Open matches.

G who Günther Bosch

The Karriere von Becker is one of the names that Günther Bosch verknüpft. The common Rumäne gilded as his Entdecker and führte in his two Wimbledon matches. 1987 kam es zur Trennung. They are both no longer in contact. “I am a trainer, my day and night with my passing,” Becker explains. Bosch hinges are beautiful 30 years old, that is why they were built.

H who Hecht

Unnachahmlich, unverwechselbar, immer wieder one Genuss: Die Rede ist vom Becker-Hecht. The Flugrolle am Netz has brought its Weltruhm and is very closely connected with the Namen Becker. A few highlights? Bitteschön!

I am the International Tennis Hall of Fame

49 Turniersiege, darunter sechs Grand Slam-Titel, Nummer eins der Welt, two Davis Cup-Titel, Olympia-Gold in Doppel. Becker hat with a single karrier hinge leg. The following matches appeared in 2003 as a German Player in the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport.

J wie Jähzorn

“I play my own Mist sisters. Ruber, Ruber. My best tennis game in the Wimbledon final. I can’t tell you more.” See the German Wimbledon Final 1991 between Becker and Michael Stich. Becker lies about the consequences of his emotions – even if the Freudewar or the Jähzorn are no longer so sweet. Matches with Becker were emotional back races.
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K who Karrier duck

In 1997, after the lost four-count final in Wimbledon, Pete Sampras received an explanation from Becker, who had played his final match in a Grand Slam-Turnier. With its own ATP gymnast, it is possible that Karriere will drop out. But Becker was unable to share again in Wimbledon after 1999. The smooth Achtelfinalniederlage against Patrick Rafter war was the last single match in signal Karriere.

L wie Leimen

Becker hat seine Geburts- und Heimatstadt Leimen weltberühmt gemacht. Für die meisten Deutschen ist die Kleinstadt (ca. 27,000 Einwohner) in de Nähe von Heidelberg durch de genesis van een heute een Begriff. Becker would be impressed by the „17-year-old Leimener“-bleiben.

M who Masters

In the Saison Final, when the names of the Namen Masters or ATP-WM are gelled, Becker will use the Stempel. Elfmal nahm is the Masters part, they are in the Final, the dream is the Turnier match – 1988, 1992 and 1995. Legendary is the title in Madison Square Garden, if the endgame is Ivan Lendl at Matchball in the tiebreak of the last satzes Netzkante zur Hilfe kam.

N who Number eins

It takes a long time for Becker to reach the world number one. After the Grand Slam title at the 1991 Australian Open, the war is so small. Becker won the Tennisthron and acquired his title in a year-long Wochen (drei Wochen nach the Australian Open, new Wochen na Wimbledon).

Oh who Olympia

Becker is now one of the 1992 Olympic tennis gymnasts in Barcelona. What is one of the things that ends up in the second round, as in the great Wurf – and with its rivalry. Gemeinsam with Michael Stich is the Gold medal after a dramatic Siegen. Davis Cup captain Niki Pilic played the Vermittler in the Zweckgemeinschaft. “My achievement in Olympia is worth it,” said Becker after the Triumph. Becker wants to give the Gold Medal a good chance, but remains aware of the Abend ab. Eine Entscheidung, die Stich im Nachhinein bereute.

P who Poker

Neben Tennis ist Poker in de great Leidenschaft von Becker. “Jeder braucht seine Oase, bij mir ist es der Pokertisch. Beim Poker is played with the game that is played with Tennis on the Platz-hatte. A Royal Flush represents a high level.” Durchschlagenden Erfolg mit Millionengewinnen hatte Becker am Pokertic alldings noch nicht.

Q who Queen’s

The Rasenturnier in the Londoner Queen’s Club takes place in Becker’s Lieblingsturnieren. This triumph was four times and became an ATP title in July 1985 at the age of 17, a danach in Wimbledon to triumph.

R wie Rekorde

Becker has active signals during the time of the record, which includes long files. ever nor haben. The German is on the 0:2 Satzrück position and is the best with Aaron Krickstein and Roger Federer Rekordhalter. This happened 19 times during the execution of Weltranglisten-Führenden. Becker is the best of the young players to win a match in a Davis Cup Final, 1985, both one. The triumph of victory is within 14 days on three spins on three different continents. Zwischen from October 19 and November 2, 1986 took place at the Turniere in Sydney, Tokyo and Paris-Bercy. One of course: There is 17 years old and 227 days old as a young Wimbledonsieger.

S wie Sandplatzfluch

Kaum vorzustellen, aber Becker konnte in signaler Karriere keinen ATP-Titel auf Sand. Jedes signaler 61 Sandplatzturniere on the ATP Tour ends with a Niederlage. Sechsmal position is completely closed in the endgame for a title on sand. Ganz won a dramatic final in Monte Carlo in 1995 against Thomas Muster, who lost match balls and a davon with a double play. “Nur der Himmel weiß, where I in my career not a Sandplatzturnier won habe”, said Becker in seiner Biografie.

T who Trainer

Becker may have received a call when he started working in December 2013 that he was Novac Djokovic’s trainer. After the years have started with the “Djoker”, the party is on: Unter Beckers Einfluss has Djokovic hob his game in a new style. I depend on Becker 25 Turniersiege, go to the Grand Slam Title; über two years long war is the clear number of the world. This Zahlen speaks for itself.

1989 Becker’s big performance at the US Open. There is a final against Ivan Lendl. Dabei will face Derrick Rostagno who represents Aus in the second round. With Glück and Können wehrte Becker two Matchball with a game as beautiful as Turniersieg.

V who Visionar

Becker is one of the best people for the Werbung. There are tests that support the Internet company AOL. Seine Aussprüche “Bin ich da schon drin, oder was?” and “Ich bin schon drin” have rubbed in the wort. The AOL Werbespot with Becker as Visionär is Kult.

W with Wimbledon

“Wimbledon is my second destination. I don’t think it’s ever happened in the Matchball during the 1985 final. I guess I thought it was an available hat. If it wasn’t true, it would be a war, but that would have been a dramatic change. I wurde the öffentliche Boris Becker.” The war of the Center Court in Wimbledon for Becker with “his Wohnzimmer”. On July 7, 1985, tennis history was written and the first ever and youngest Wimbledon player of all time was written at 17 years and 227 days. Siebenmal stands Becker in Finale, often with Pete Sampras. Nur three end games could be won there, between 1985 and neither 1986 nor 1989. The bitterest last war was certainly the time when Michael Stich appeared in the year 1991.

X with Xtra Long

Beckerhoed in Zeiter Karriere saw an epic game that played, which resulted in more than four matches. Most tennis fans are sure of the Einzel in the 1986 Davis Cup against John McEnroe in the match, when there is a great playing time in the “Schlacht of Hartford” at 6:21. During the 1991 Australian Open, he was in the run of the Italian Omar Camporese in a heat match after 5:11 stun. Another thought-provoking Masters Final 1988 against Ivan Lendl, who finished with the best Netzroller after 4:42 hours.

Y who Youngster

Becker no longer plays as a Junior and does not benefit from Profi. Der Erfolg sollte ihm Recht geben. During Junior Wimbledon Turner 1983 he performed in the first Runde on Stefan Edberg – and more clearly. They both duel in the Wimbledon final. Beckers’ greatest success during the juniors: the endgame during the 1984 US Open.

Z who Zitate

“If I don’t lose, the other one won’t gain.” Or: “Siegen is an unglaubliche Lust. A woman cannot have one of these relationships.” Or: ‘First of all, the year has been full of talent.’ Becker has many amusing moments and great results for the best. So mancher Versprecher who dieser here war auch dabei.