
G7 strives for a single Netanyahu line

G7 strives for a single Netanyahu line

Therefore, recognize that the USA is sentenced in The Hague, the Haftbefehl vergangen Woche verhängte, grundsätzlich nicht an. Other Israel Alliance – especially Germany – a solution for a dilemma. Italian as a Host of the Meetings in the Mittelitalienischen Kleinstadt Fiuggi etwa 80 Kilometers östlich von Rom bemühte sich um a Formulierung, die alle Staatsmittragen. “Wollen has a domination with the other G7 Ländern, a damned mean position,” said Außenminister Antonio Tajani. “It’s a political problem, there is no fragment of Justiz.” The theme lasts the run of a service, it is sweat and letzten tag.

The International Criminal Court (IStGH) helped Netanyahu and the representatives of Foreign Minister Yoav Gallant to raise the Kriegsverbrechen and Verbrechen to make the people in the Gaza Strip disappear. The peculiarity is that all states of the IStGH report have the full performance of the company. Provided Ausnahme der USA, all G7 states will be connected.

There are other clash themes in Ukraine’s Krieg, which follow US President Donald Trump’s challenge to international order. The service comes from the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrij Sybiha for the runde hindu. Tajani plädierte in this sector hangs for a bald Friedenskonferenz with involvement of the USA and Russia.

We said about the guests with concern for Russia: “The Einigkeit is jetzt unsere Kraft.” The G7 won’t last any longer. See you at these meetings in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Italian has never spent a year in the Kreis of the G7 in Vorsitz. I’m still working on Canada, the Geschäfte, for a few more years.