
TSV 1860 – Rostock | 30.11., 2 pm | Livestream & BR Fernsehen

TSV 1860 – Rostock | 30.11., 2 pm | Livestream & BR Fernsehen

What is the reason for the TSV 1860 Munich? On Samstag, November 30, the Löwen stehen for the next away party. Argirios Giannikis’ team from FC Hansa Rostock is supported in the Grünwalder Stadium. With a Sieg the man would no longer be with the Spitzen group in the 3. Liga. A lower price would be required to prepare the courses at the end of the year. After the Niederlage in the Landespokal, the SpVgg Unterhaching and the Unentschieden in Aachen will begin, the Stimmung am 1. Advent will not last long.

Hansa Rostock: Ein Gegner in Aufwind

With FC Hansa Rostock comes a new Gegner. Four sieges with the last fun games (including the Weiterkommen in Landespokal), in the Zeitraum nur zwei Gegentore. Rostock has to go to SC Verl at the age of 14. Play the first Niederlage under the new Trainer Daniel Brinkmann.

The Bayerische Rundfunk takes place on 16. Matchday of the 3. League of the TSV 1860 Munich match against FC Hansa Rostock on Samstag, 30. November, from 2 p.m. in Livestream in BR24Sport Livecenter and the ARD-Mediathek and in BR Fernsehen. Ihr reporter is Florian Eckl, moderator is Lukas Schönmüller.