
Ärztliche Zwangsmaßnahmen – auch außerhalb der Klinik?

Ärztliche Zwangsmaßnahmen – auch außerhalb der Klinik?

Spritzen setzen, Blut abnehmen, Medikamente verabreichen – and all the will of the patient or patients? Among the best results, the moment that Mittel rightly erlaubt dies. Bisher could only appeal to the problems that now occur in Krankenhäusern – and no longer in specialized outpatient centers, in Pflegeheimen or in the home environment. The Federal Constitutional Court will now be aware of the Grundgesetz-vereinbar. The most important excerpts and answers.

Do you want to provide treatment to patients?

Grundsätzlich gilded: Ärztliche Zwangsmaßnahmen dürfen nur the last middle signal. This is a more informative activity. So it must be taken into account that the damage is due to the fact that “it is safe to say that the damage is caused by the loss of life”. If you want that “in a station there is a station in a Krankenhaus, in the gebotene medizinische versorgung of the Betreuten a single one is an inheritance orderlichen Nachbehandlung sichergestellt”, hereafter.

An illustration said a Frauengestalt in Schwarz, his two white hands entgegenstrecken.

Are you going to apply any of the rules of the Zwangsmaßnahmen rules?

The Federal Constitutional Court became one of the most common rules in July 2016. If the war started with solving problems, among other things, patients in a closed psychiatric institution were not made available.

Hilfsbedürftige Menschen, the station has never been discussed in a never geschlossenen Einrichtung, dare after damals geltender Rechtslage notfalls auch gegen ihren Willen ärztlich were discussed. It is against the protection of the State, entschied by the First Senate. The Gesetzgeber must accept the Schutzlücke unverzüglich. (Az. 1 BvL 8/15)

Worum is it a problem?

The active search for the fall of a woman from North Rhine-Westphalia in the region, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) among others, a paranoider-schizophrenic has gone crazy. They live in a residential association and become regulars in a nearby Krankenhaus company.

In 2022, it’s time to start a relationship with the woman who takes a drug at the residential community station to keep working. It is argued that in the course of transport in the clinic, more risks are now taken to compensate the patient. It is normal for a traumatizing effect to occur.

Why is the Federal Criminal Court now involved?

More focused on the anthracite, soft drinks of the fall will be on the land of the Bundesgerichtshof. When the investigation has begun, there is a solche Zwangsage in a Krankenhaus, with Article 2 of the Grundgesetzes unvereinbar. This article follows a protective order from the State for the protection of the physical environment and health.

The BGH explains the fall to the Federal Constitutional Court for the Prüfung vor. I am in July traded by the Erste Senat dazu mündlich in Karlsruhe.

It could be interesting

Was spricht für eine Neuregulation von Zwangsmaßnahmen?

The transport in the Krankenhaus can bedeuten a erhebliche Belastung for those affected, erklärte etwa Thomas Pollmächer of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatik and Nervenheilkunde in der Verhandlung. All days last between 20 and 30 minutes, the patient as a rule depends on the situation.

People can be injured when fixing. I can only rely heavily on the physical or physical activities that I have to follow. If you are in the front situation, it is best to start.

Was the Federal Government a fact?

The Bundesregierung will become the bestehende Regelung, the power of Ruth Schröder’s ministerial leader at the Bundesjustizministerium in July in Karlsruhe, Germany. It is not possible that Ausnahmen im Gesetz all rules, ohne that Tür and Tor für Zwangsmaßnahmen geöffnet würden. Gerade in the private environment of man will not enter into these maßnahmen. You can bring in multi-professional teams with expertise in Krankenhäusern.

This position is a fachleute, one of the German Richterbunds and the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfe von Menschen mit Behinderung, chronen Erkrankung und ihren Angehörigen.