
Caroline Peters has joined the Berliner Kultur

Caroline Peters has joined the Berliner Kultur

Schauspielerin Caroline Peters (‘Mord mit Aussicht’) has started organizing the Einsparpläne in the Berliner Kulturlandschaft and searching for the political interests of thinking about it. “We encourage you to be a part of the economics factor of the city of Berlin,” writes the 53-year-old in a short statement. “Art and Culture and Club-Szene machen Berlin zu dem, was es ist. A city with strong power.”

“Berlin has a separate state of affairs, it is a separate European city, and that is not a marked thing in Ku’damm,” says Peters. They referred the Orchesterlandschaft and the Theaters, in the Ausland geschätzten Künstlerischen Leiter der Schaubühne, Thomas Ostermeier, and a Schauspieler with Lars Eidinger and Sandra Hüller. “All that remains to be seen in the future.” Peters warned that Berlin “since and only a standor for real estate” was found, which has been and has been redeveloped. “Nobody wants to live here and live in Berlin.”

Peters Fordert: “If a man in Berlin is someone who wants to save money, he must invest, but not save. And first and foremost in that, the city of others was unterscheidet: Kultur. Theatre, Museums, Oper, Orchestra.” Initiating Politicians Sole Cooperation with Private Sponsors. Peters schließt ihr Schreiben mit den Worten: „Overdenken Sie Ihre Entscheidung. Planen Sie FÜR Berlin, nicht DAGEGEN.”

The sparring partners of the Schwarz-Roten coalition will lose 130 million euros in one year and 12 percent of the budgets for Berlin’s culture. Bereits since Wochen warnen Häuser for Insolvenzen, Einschränkungen im Spielbetrieb and dem Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen.

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