
AOP Health has completed the US FDA assessment for high specialist assessment of the treatment of herrhythmus disorders

AOP Health has completed the US FDA assessment for high specialist assessment of the treatment of herrhythmus disorders

Finanznachrichten News

Vienna (ots) –

The global pharmaceutical company AOP Health with Hauptsitz in Österreich, wee for 28 years in a Wohnzimmer, writes nun österreichische Erfolgsgeschichte: Am Freitag, on November 22, 2024, said the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Landiolol, an ultrakurz investigation into Beta blocker with treatment of acute herrhythmus disturbances. The highly specialized medical treatment is of internist, cardiological and surgical intensive patients for critical, serious medical conditions. With this Schritt, AOP Health is no longer on the market, one of the best ways to find a job in the healthcare sector of the Austrian economy and Europe.

“The American market is a Meilenstein for one, also for the European pharmaceutical sector. We will buy a product in the US, where AOP Health will be shipped all over the world and sold in Europe. Lediglich who will use the secondary packaging as a smaller production line in the USA,” says Martin Steinhart, CEO of AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH (AOP Health).

US-Markteinführung: Nächster großer Schritt

“The majority of the projects are market development of American companies, an American patient researching the machine,” Steinhart said. Landdiolol is in Europe its treatment of an akutenherzerkrankung (Supraventitriculäre Tachycardia) that calculates the load and the einsatz in Notaufnahmen, cardiological intensive stations ensure an operative eingriffe in the Operations description.

Local Wertschöpfung

The medicines in healthcare are not yet in possession of a medicine in healthcare from AOP Health, but it is one of the most popular products in Europe, including Österreich, her, labor eng with secret Top-Forschungsinstitutionen zeeammen en trägt damit zur local Wertschöpfung and zur Absicherung des Wirtschaftsstandorts bei.

Well-being of 600 people for AOP Health. By 2027, AOP Health will have earned an amount of 500 million euros, making involvement in the US possible.

Extension for Heimische Forschung and Entwicklung

AOP Health continues the treatment of the disease on the management and treatment of integrated therapies for certain treatments and in intensive medicine. Martin Steinhart said: “Wir moves us in a new Mediterranean and in such a way on the most common substances, which will work with innovative medicines. The expansion in the US will be light, in new development and development projects to invest and losses of security in Europe beizutragen.”

There is a supraventricular tachycardia

Supraventricular tachycardia (including Vorhofflimmern and Vorhofflattern) can be treated in patients with certain mental disorders. If the supraventricular tachycardia supports refunction and resolves the problems with the reloading systems, then these simple medical measurements are possible. I think of the conventional ß1-selective Betablocker zeichnet as now in the US ultra-kurz works with the same Betablocker by a fast Wirkungseintritt and a rasche Senkung of the Herzfrequenz aus, ohne that is zu a wesentlichen Absinken des Blutdrucks comemt. The expectation for intravenous beta blockers to work is that they are taken in a non-fall situation and therapy cannot be continued.

Uber AOP Health

The AOP Health Group collaborates more with the AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH with Sitz in Wien, Österreich (“AOP Health”). The AOP Health Group is the European Pioneer in integrated therapies for patients* with a selection of treatments in intensive care medicine. In the 25 years that the best results have been achieved, the AOP Health Group has a comprehensive range of integrated therapeutic treatments. It is one of its Hauptsitz in Vienna and its joint joint representation throughout Europe, the Nahen Osten and its partner*innen. Mit dem Claim “Needs. Science. Trust.” the group of researchers on the punk has led to: Vertrauen by kontinuierlich hohe Investitionen in Research and Entwicklung and a subsequent consistent and pragmatic Ausrichtung on the Bedürfnissen of all Stakeholder*innen – insbesondere der Patients*innen and their Angehörige anyway of problems.

Pressure contact:

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals – Member of the AOP Health Group
DI Isolde Fally
Phone: 06765004048
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG, added to the news
Original notification: