
WoW: Die Piraten Kehren Zurück

WoW: Die Piraten Kehren Zurück


Philipp Sattler

WoW: The Pirates are alive - Deadline for the Plunderstorm fest

Quelle: polished

27.11.2024 at 4:00 PM –

If you want to clear the plunder rush in WoW, you can first clear it on the release date of Patch 11.1.

Over the years, the WoW-Entwickler has conducted an experiment. Many people were a fuller player – the rendering of Mists of Pandaria Remix. Ander wiederum kamen nur so semi-gut an. Your letzterem will certainly resemble the Plunderstorm. In Battly-Royal mode, fans of most of the time are near the Belohnungen roads.

Umso überraschter were velde, if the Entwickler the perished and Warcraft Immediately a backlash from Plunderstorms was announced. The game mode is one of the few opportunities that the Entwickler will want, coming from the first version of the version.

The functionality may allow you to use a bare device. As of the PTR, the release zeitraum is now no longer possible and the launch of Plunderstorms 2.0 is being funded.

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2025 is lost with Plunderstorm 2.0

Go to the PTR in WoW (jetzt buy ) Patch 11.0.7 can implement the Plunderstorm as an event. It is not that there is a playbar and that things can be done that have not yet been tested, but the data that is displayed naturally – including the announcement of the events.

After the first start and end dates of the start and end dates were wider mirrors, the first start and end dates are no longer present. Of course you can’t follow these times, but Blizzard is polling the man who offends this period.

Laut PTR, at the American base, takes care of the Plunderstorm 2.0 follows the beginning and the following ending:

  • Start: 2025/01/14 at 10:00 am
  • End: 02/18/2025 at 11:00 PM

When we are done, the second version will be installed on the EU server, Then the Plunderstorm 2.0 started between January 15 and the end of February 19. The thing is, the new version is a lot of fun, while our new rewards make money.


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An end to the Plunderstorms in mid-February will appear on the first release date of a new Patch 11.1 release date. Laut Roadmap contains the Plunderstorm with patch 11.0.7 and 11.1. It is also right in a right way, if a man a release of update 11.1 am 19. February or in der darauffolgenden Woche ausgeht. This isn’t the best.