
IPO: Delivery Hero erhöht Talabat-Angebot

IPO: Delivery Hero erhöht Talabat-Angebot

BERLIN/DUBAI (dpa-AFX) – The Essenslieferdienst Delivery Hero (ETR:) has a strong investment strategy for the future of the business cycle after host-Tochter Talabat. Insgesamt solle die Zahl der angebotenen Aktien von knapp 3.5 Billiarden auf nun gut 4.6 Billiarden steigen, teilte das im notierte Unternehmen am Mittwoch in Berlin mit. It is a funtel similar to the Talabat advance. For a long time, Berlin indirectly controlled the majority and the ban on activity in the United Arab Emirates, in the East and in North Africa.

The end date of the Angebotspreis is November 29. Order to pay for the Delivery Hero with a price of 1.60 Dirham (0.41 Euro). It was a fact that the end of the communication unit in the span had been reached, the message from the Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg in the Mittwoch was a message about the distributed document. Insured we delivered Delivery Hero with the Talabat-Erstnotiz then about 1.95 Billion Euro einnehmen.

Die Aktien sollen ab dem 10. Dezember an der Börse in Dubai was traded.