
Neuer Job – Würzburgs Oberbürgermeister verkündet Rücktritt

Neuer Job – Würzburgs Oberbürgermeister verkündet Rücktritt

Würzburg’s Oberbürgermeister Christian Schuchardt (CDU) thought that his office would be defeated. Schuchardt has given impetus to the Hauptgeschäftsführer of the Deutschen Städtetages and the Nordrhein-Westfälische Städtetages gewählt. With the Amtsantritt in new position until 1. July 2025 is out of the Amt as Oberbürgermeister ausscheiden. Vorwicked OB-Wahlen in Würzburg since the second quarter of 2025 to the war. The Deutsche Städtetag labels the Wahl Schuchardts in a press conference. The municipal Spitzenverband has a population of 3,200 cities and a total of 53 million people.

Nächster beruflicher Schritt

In the blessing Erklärung Schuchardt showed that there were more connected people in Würzburg, the more people lived in Würzburg. After 18 years, the urban expansion was one of Schritt’s biggest successes. Since 2007, there has been a war in the history of the city of Würzburg, which played as a troubler Stadtrat, Stadtkämmerer and in 2014 as Oberbürgermeister: “If I was not allowed to do anything else, then it was now.”

Thanks a Stadtrat und Bürger

Schuchardt says that the Stadt Würzburg will improve the city’s reforms. Solid management and a thorough investment in infrastructure are needed. If you are a divorced person, it is more with the full involvement of the people of the city. Zum Abschluss thanked Schuchardt seinen Kolleginnen en Kollegen sowie de Bürgerinnen and Bürgern für die Zusammenarbeit.

Ungewöhnlich bei seiner Wahl as Oberbürgermeister für Würzburg war for zehn seine Parteizugehörigkeit. Schuchardt is CDU-Mitglied and the only Rathauschef in the Freistaat with CDU-Party. Christian Schuchardt joined the CDU for almost 40 years in Dreieich (Hesse). An appeal has been made to the parties, war star channels of the Schüler-Union, Mitglied in Landesvorstand of the Youth Union and many years of delegation to the Parteitags. The wiederwahl was nominated in 2020 as a candidate candidate of CSU, FDP and Bürgerforum Würzburg.