
Lübeck celebrates Visby’s Light King Lucia: A Fest of Tradition!

Lübeck celebrates Visby’s Light King Lucia: A Fest of Tradition!

The Swiss Light Queen Lucia brings festive Stimmung to the Hanseatic city of Lübeck! In Nikolaustag, December 6 and 7, 2024, the city was walked with my life and the Weihnachtszeit ended with its traditional traditions. Dieser Besuch ist further, this is the 25th anniversary of the Städtepartnerschaft in Visby and Lübeck. That Vorfreude is rude!

“Light and song, the Lucia tradition is the mainstay of Swedish culture,” says City President Henning Schumann. Bürgermeister Jan Lindenau tries to offer the lightness of Lübeck: residents and guests an unparalleled moment. “Don’t forget the Swiss tradition and ensure a stimulating experience in our Weihnachtsstadt”, so Lindenau.

Check the lightness of the lighter queen

Lucia was in the Rathaushalle on December 6 at 11 a.m. with music accompaniment from children of Kita Dr. Julius-Leber-Straße und Schüler: in the Grundschule Herrnburg auftreten. At 11.30 am Bürgermeister Lindenau would be empfangen in the Audienzsaal. Danach is located on the Mittagsandacht in the Church of St. Marien at 12 noon. The day of departure would be: at 14 o’clock in the morning at the Heiligen-Geist-Hospital auf, follow the next day at the Maritime Weihnachtsmarkt at 15 o’clock and a little later at 18 o’clock at the Schrangen.

At 7. This month, Lucia will attend a concert in St. Petri at 1 p.m., a concert in St. Marien at 3 p.m. with Orgelbegleitung performance and at 4.15 p.m. on the Bühne des Historical Markets for viewing. Begleitet is the chairman of the Stadtbunds DIE HANSE, Inger Harlevi and the choir leader Alma Hedlund Emilsson. Ein Fest, das man nicht verpassen sollte!

Ort des Geschehens

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