
Who are the Candidates & want to Start?

Who are the Candidates & want to Start?

In 20 years it will be her, the first workforce of the broadcast formats on broadcast TV. Die 18. Staff of the “Dschungelcamps” steht schon in den Startlöchern, denn Anfang 2025 We will see most stars in the Australian world as a crown kämpfen.

Welche Candidates since 2025?

Offiziell hat RTL black nor keine Teilnehmer en Teilnehmerinnen bestätigt, jedoch die Speculations Multiple candidates were found on the senders’ homepage. Insider sollen laut Bunte ausgeplaudert haben, dass “Unter uns”-Schauspieler Lars Steinhofel (38) see the former “Prince Charming” winner Lars Tönsfeuerborn (34) in Jänner in the Dschungel Ziehen Sollen.

Einem Image-Notify that you used the Reality-TV-Star Yeliz Koc (31) an der Show teilnehmen. Schon vor zwei meinte 31-Jährige: “It’s my trauma format, if the komplett is soaked, it will probably be interesting.” They both became “GZSZ”-Darsteller Nina Bot (46) and Timur Ulker (35) with von der Partie signal.

Dschungelcamp 2025: When is it Starttermin?

RTL has no concrete information until now. The letzten Staffeln started in January and a Friday. Letztes Jahr would be the first next step Shipped January 19, 2024.

Für kommendes Jahr gilded daher der January 17, 2025 as clear as day. There is a question about a life or später (10. or 24.01.2024) is conceivable.