
16 years ago, after Schlangenbiss in Australia

16 years ago, after Schlangenbiss in Australia

In Australia it is a 16 year anniversary before the Elternhaus can become one of the toxins being consumed by the world. The Eastern Braunschlange has the youth in Gladstone in the tropical Federal State of Queensland in the future message from the sender 9News under messages about the family. It is not that it is noticeable that it is a fight and that it is first später, if it is in the war of the house, plötzlich kollabiert.

Schlangenbisse is no longer schmerzhaft. Manchmal seeher also wie a lighter Kratzer or an Abschürfung. If it can happen that the lost time is lost, this is an opportunity with a gift that will be returned to you.

Two timeless Schlangenbisse for years

So I am autumn of the Jugendlichen aus Queensland. There was a problem in life in Gladstone hospital, which ended a rettungshubschrauber in Brisbane. Jedoch kam jede Hilfe zu spät: Das Opfer starb am Mittwoch. “Sein Tod has an unwritten teaching in our lives and in the family behind it,” wrote those Angehörigen in one of the Mitteilung.

In Australia it is a fact that a human being has gone through the Schlangenbisse – the überwiegende Mehrheit in the Verstappen Jahren by Angriffe der Östlichen Braunschlange (Pseudonaja-textilis), which is quickly spread throughout the country. The number of gilts after the ebenfalls in the Australian domestic interior as the sweat-toxic Schlangen der Welt.