
Keine Vorfälle for Alba-Spiel against Maccabi

Keine Vorfälle for Alba-Spiel against Maccabi

Before the basketball player of Alba Berlin is the Israeli Meister Maccabi Tel Aviv, the police have insulted everything. “We are very happy with our Einsatzkonzept,” said speaker Florian Naht. “We don’t really care about Vorkommnisse.”

After the intense anti-Israeli protests for three weeks during the Fußballspiel-zwischen Maccabi Tel Aviv at Ajax Amsterdam, the Verantwortliche Szenen can befürchtet. But they blieben bisher aus. Many people, we will be happy with the security measures in Vorfeld.

„We are still in a grim mood during our stay in the Halle“

„We are very happy to be there for a while in the Halle“, clear policy statement. “Deshalb can have a very small problem, but then it could be that it is stoked.” So the Team-Hotel of Maccabi and the Uber Arena in Berlin-Friedrichshain have been given the opportunity to leave the party.

This is accompanied by strict Security Controls. So the bags were extra tasty and tasty. More than 1,500 police officers were responsible for the game, including security forces in Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

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