
“Ein unglaubliches Gefühl”: ÖHB-Traumstart brings “Gänsehautmomente”

“Ein unglaubliches Gefühl”: ÖHB-Traumstart brings “Gänsehautmomente”

Besser hätte that Heim-EM for Österreichs Handball-Frauen could not start. With a 37:24-Erfolg on the chance that Slovakei tanked, the ÖHB-Team fell Selbstvertrauen for the next Gruppenspiele against Norway and Slowenien. “Ein unglaubliches Gefühl”, exulted the uber-raging Torfrau Lena Ivancok after the Traumstart.

The Österreicherinnen dare to start a trauma in the EM situation.

The Österreicherinnen dare to start a trauma in the EM situation.
GEPA photos

If the Österreichers come out in the Auftakt of the EHF EURO 2024, they will be happy to attend the first EM match in the Innsbrucker Olympiahalle. With 13 Towers, the Mannschaft of head trainer Monique Tijsterman was emptied by the luminous work of the Slovakian bravados.

Handball-EM der Frauen – 1. Spieltag

“The Anfang war was never a fact, but the first game in a Turnier was swingy and there were of course nerves,” said Ines Ivancok-Soltic, who gemeinsam with Johanna Reichert (next to 8 Tore) ÖHB-Topwerfer in the war. “There is a war that is a great war, which will begin with a heavy war and one of the best acts of the war.”

ÖHB-Teamchef “sehr stollz auf die Mannschaft”

The Heimkulisse and Atmosphäre were “unbeschreiblich” for the EM host families, with the impressive Rückraumkanone freudestrahlend concrete. “That was a great moment for all of us. That man is a super power,” shouted Ivancok-Soltic about the first two punks on the road in Richtung Hauptrunde.

The Olympiaworld war with 2,400 fans sold only a few. Dennoch said that the grandiose Torfrau Lena Ivancok, die 14 von 31 Würfen parierte (45 Prozent), von der Stimmung beeindruckt: “Diese Kulisse, de Heimfans, ein unglaubliches Gefühl. Das gibt uns sehr fell Selbstvertrauen. Auch für mich personally war dieser gut Start heavy.”

Hochzufrieden were nature like the Dutch ÖHB-Teamchef Tijsterman: “I am very proud of my manhood. In the first half since our first Fehler passed away, we were proud of our time with eleven Gegentoren in that half-day. In the second half it was better. and better. I have fallen well and are strong.” Dazu appropriate die Matchstatistik, in der gleich eleven Österreicherinnen als Scorerinnen aufscheinen.