
Labor market: “SOS vom Arbeitsmarkt” – Nahles: Geht in falsche Richtung

Labor market: “SOS vom Arbeitsmarkt” – Nahles: Geht in falsche Richtung

The German labor market depends on the damage caused by three million workers. In winter the Zahl could be noticed, after the herb collection had started in Schwung in November. “Die Entwicklung goes to Herbst 2023 in de False Richtung“, said the advocate of the Bundesagentur for Arbeit, Andrea Nahles at the Vorstellung of November statistics for the German Arbeitsmarkt. An Arbeitgeberpresident Rainer Dulger said: “The Arbeitsmarkt functions SOS. Three Millions of Worklose Drohen that became Winter Realität. So what time does the labor loss come into play for years to come.”

In November, the Zahl der Arbeitslosen in the Vergleich zum Vormonat Oktober sank its seasonal clause to 17,000 out of 2,774 Millions. “Der Rückgang falls from our first sight,” says Nahles. “It was extremely difficult to go through a tough journey.” The Zahl der Menschen ohne Job is 168,000 higher in November 2023. The Labor Loss Rate sank in October to 0.1 Punkte on 5.9 Prozent. In November 2023, the quote was 5.6 percent lower. For the November statistics, the data material from the Bundesagentur is based on 13. the previous month.

Entlassungen und Fachkräftemangel

The Gründe for the increasing Labor Loss Nihles nicht nur in cyclical problems. The German Wirtschaft is a company in the industry, for all structural Sorgen, it comes in a number of branches of major Veränderungen, auch mit Entlassungen. On the other side, see the results in the Firmen weiterhin Fachkräfte. The Bundesagentur sweetened this Zwiespalt, with the sogenannten Job-Drehscheiben to start with. “That’s a very big deal, that’s the same thing,” says Nahles. The job insurer of the Bundesagentur has had a direct influence on the affected companies, a great opportunity for a great challenge by vermitteln “Job to Job” – and also not first problems with the weld were found, before they found a new job.

Because the work in the future is still going one step further, the development of the industry in the low sector depends on the transformation process, like Nahles. Martin Müller, labor market expert at the state-owned bank KfW, has his right: “With the product development needs of Germany, more investments and digitalization in the service sector and in the communities with the soul of production support will continue,” he said.

More Kurzarbeit

Deutlich gestiegen ist die Kurzarbeit. In September – the last years that sales will no longer take place – the Bundesagentur Kurzarbeitergeld will have a 268,000 Beschäftigte aus. In August it was 175,000, in July 194,000. I’ll be hitting my 25th month for 64,000 new posts in November. Since these tatsächlich in Anspruch were taken, it is not certain. It is a fact that the Kurzarbeit has been higher in Germany in those years if there is – the Bundesagentur has to pay out 726 million euros and a Kurzarbeiter money. It’s more like double, so my Haushalt might turn into war.

The Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften is more zurückgegaan. In November I was in the Arbeitsagenuren 668,000 cases of Arbeitsstellen in Buche. $65,000 is needed for one year. Beschäftigungszuwächse gebe es nur in Branchen wie etwa der Pflege, or in de öffentlichen Dienst. Insgesamt nahm die Beschäftigung im Vergleich zum Vorjahr nor inmal um 123, 000 Menschen zu.

After the analysis of the Tages der Menschen met Behinderung (3. Dezember) it is more possible to solve problems. Aktuell seien 176.000 Schwerbehinderte in Deutschland worklos, sechs Prozent more as for a year. The qualifications apply to an advance of 53 percent if there is no obstacle to the arbitration, which is now at 42 percent Liège. Three out of four workers with more than 20 careers in their care and health care, after which they would be happy to be involved in recruitment.

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