
S&P 500-Wert Gartner-Aktie: So you can invest with an investment in Gartner for 10 years

S&P 500-Wert Gartner-Aktie: So you can invest with an investment in Gartner for 10 years

For years in Gartner-Aktien investiert: So the investors fell deservedly.

It has been 10 years since the Gartner-Aktie trades and the Börse NYSE stock exchange were no longer active. The Schlusskurs der Gartner-Anteile betrug am vorangegang Handelstag 85.48 USD. If an amount of 100 USD is invested in the Gartner promotion, 1,170 is now put into the deposit. Since the paper believed on 27.11.2024 at USD 519.23 (Schlussstand), the investment was now worth USD 607.43. The entspricht a Zunahme von 507.43 Prozent.

Der Marktwert von Gartner betrug jüngst 39.91 Bill. USD.

Bitte beachten, dass in obenstehender Rechnung Aktiensplits en Dividendenzahlungen nicht berücksichtigt.


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