
Petition against Sparpläne im Kultursektor

Petition against Sparpläne im Kultursektor

Weil a 50 million euro more in the city coffers and in Klagenfurt at the time that the budget could no longer last, could be a Zwölftelregulation before 2025. If all goes well, there is an Abteilung nur a Zwölftel des Vorjahresbudgets pro Monat zur Verfügung hätte. Ermessensausgaben be strichten. For free cultural initiatives and further growth, you can do this.

Make sure that the Zwölftelregulation makes a forward stop. It is a free life for a survival camp. A cultural challenge may arise if funding falls through the cracks. 800,000 euros invested in the city’s free cultural budget, while it is now no longer possible to paint freely, but 50 million euros will end up in the budget.

Petition against Sparpläne im Kultursektor

Under the motto “Klagenfurt mach deinen Job”, the interest in the cultural initiative in Kärnten/Koroska is determined by the city through a petition for Budget decision. There is a care arrangement for the budget and the cultural initiative with a fixed turnover.

Bürgermeister: Überall must have been spared

Otherwise the Bund und Land muss Klagenfurt ausgeglichen bilanzieren. A country town without a free culture or the Bachmann Prize will not be appreciated by Bürgermeister Christian Scheider (Team Kärnten). “It is a moment when it is what it is. If the financing is no longer restored, the Beschlüsse can no longer be changed. Although it is still not possible to make a budget in 2025.” Gespart became much better, concrete Scheider.

Christian Scheider Team Carinthia


Burgermeister Christian Scheider

IG KIKK: “Kultur ist Arbeitgeberin”

Free culture is chronically unfunded by Elena Stoisser of the IG KIKK. Ohne de Wirtschaftsfaktor Kultur sei der Schaden größer as das Einsparpotenzial: “Kultur ist Arbeitgeberin, zahlt Steuern and trägt durch Aufträge auch in der Wirtschaftsleistung bei, soorgt für Aufträge im Handel, in der Dienstleistung, in der Hotellerie and so on.”

Elena Stoisser IG KIKK


Elena Stoisser of the IG KIKK

Petritz: Geld vom Strandbad-Parkplatz für Kultur nutzen

Auch Kulturstadtrat Franz Petritz (SPÖ) has received criticism that the money would otherwise lie on the street, who is at the park buildings at Klagenfurter Strandbads, between 1.2 and 1.5 million. Euro in years zu lukrieren were, who in all others Badeorten also. “Enjoy our discussions about culture with a mini-budget. If the park management plays a major role for a year of culture, then I have doubled my budget,” so the city of culture.

Franz Petritz Kulturstadtrat Klagenfurt


Kulturstadtrat Franz Petritz

More contributions for KE and Kammerlichtspiele

The burgermeisterpartei can be used daily. Eigene Versäumnisse räumt Petritz ein, was eihlende Mehrjahresverträge for the free Szene angeht. The best of the Klagenfurter Ensemble with the Theater Hall 11 and the Chamber Light Play will take place first. The months before 2025 are closed. The IG KIKK is nothing more than the certainty for everything.