
Unclear, where is it more childish that you are aware – ​​and how to respond in a different way

Unclear, where is it more childish that you are aware – ​​and how to respond in a different way

kinder, nase, stecken
Kinderstecken is a good idea, but what is that actually?
Johannes Habermehl

Johannes Habermehl 5 min

It’s a Albtraum faller Eltern: The Child comes to the skies only a few times, and after a long day it becomes clear – there is a small object in the thought. With Lego, like playing button batteries, children can find a way to play, line up and play, which they don’t have their own twist on.

Is your passion even possible? It is a big factor if you want to solve the situation you are in: the natural nose of children, in the future, other children, and their great efforts for education. Gerade Kleinkinder und Vorschulkinder, die Welt mit all sins, is still a failure en solche Experimente zu kosten.

The statistics are alarming: Only in the Queensland Children’s Hospital were examined in the last year over 1,650 children with care in their care. One of the Weihnachtszeit – the series for play games and small gadgets – continue with the Wahrscheinlichkeit, the only Vorfälle in a carefree Haushalten passion.

Neugier is the main culprit

Small children are who Entdecker, who shops in your local environment. Sie hen, beruhren, riechen, schmecken – everything can be examined. This phase is a natural and more difficult phase in development. As this new knowledge undergoes cognitive and motor development, you can experiment much more with unwanted experiments.

Especially small, bright and shiny objects that are interesting. Was passionate wohl, when man was he in the Nase steckt? Children could not abschätzen the next solcher Experimente noch nicht abschätzen. Statistics transact their own activities – with manchmal schmerzhaften Konsequenzen.

The Power of Nachahmung

Children are a master in Nachahmen. If you give people an idea or want to copy, you can make copies. Ob es das Naseputzen der Eltern, das Auftragen von Make-up or das Essen ist – for Kinder it is all an exciting Lernfeld.

If you see that you have achieved another life or a higher purpose in the next few hours, it is often true that you will try it yourself. The problem: If the goal of the problem is not achieved, the problems are hinged. It is true that it is its own example bewusst zur sein en kleine Gegenstandde aufserhalb der Reichweite der Kleinsten aufzubewahren.

Children enjoy little happiness

Taking risks with grandchildren is one of the most attractive achievements for children. If you don’t know that the Stecken have found an object in the Nase severity, this can happen. Schlimmer noch: Manche Objekte, wie Knopfbatterien, können innerhalb von Minuten schwere Schäden verursachen.

Deshalb is a separated, small children’s room that is not beautiful with small dimensions of the weld. Gerade zur Weihnachtszeit, when new play and decoration games came into the house, Eltern could be eight times as much.

Was tun, wenn es passionrt?

Be that as it may, it was in the thought, they are quick and deliberate business matters. What is it, if you solve the problem – Panik hilft dem Kind noch den Eltern again. If the object can be used during the sanctions, it will be shredded. A Kurzer Aufenthalt in the Sonne can rule out a “sneeze reflex”, the Fremdkörper herausbefördert.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to do any work with pin sets or cotton swabs, an object you want to examine. These can now no longer end up in the nasal pressure. If the friendly Schmerzen hat or a button battery trade is a stronger Arztbesuch notnauw.

Vorsorge is the best Schutz

Dammit, it is not the first to look at the situation, so that the elements are small, potenziell gefährliche Objekte aus dem Sicht- und Reichweitebereich your Childcare. If you speak with your children, you will hear them again in the Netherlands and in the world.

Neugier is a bigger part of the business, but it could be a risky business. With a bisschen Achtsamkeit, gezielter Aufklarung and a sicheren Umgebung können Eltern ihren Kindern helfen, the world is definitely off the deck – and the Lego is ready for the hell.