
Bayern-Stars in Belgrade below

Bayern-Stars in Belgrade below

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Bayern-Stars in Belgrade below

The Münchner lies with eight Siegen during a participation in the Play-off-Kurs.

Bitter defeat for Gordon Herbert and Munich

Bitter defeat for Gordon Herbert and Munich

© IMAGO/Metlas/SID/IMAGO/Marko Metlas

The Münchner lies with eight Siegen during a participation in the Play-off-Kurs.

The German Basketball Master Bayern Munich had a heavy Abreibung cashier in the Hexenkessel of Belgrade. The team of Weltmeister-Trainer Gordon Herbert lost at the Freitag in the EuroLeague at the series master Roter Stern Germany with 77:101 (42:50) and plays in the Auswärtsspiel in the premier class of the four Niederlage – in the secret SAP Garden since the Munich neither hinged nor unhinged.

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Bayern finds its eighth Siegen with two games in the Play-off-Kurs. A week after the Gala-vorstellung including Dreier-Rekord by Weltmeister Andi Obst (34 Punkte/elf verwandeled Dreipunktwürfe), FC Barcelona received the Munchner for 20,000 prizes in Zuschauern in Belgrade with a supine back position.

The Serbs are stabbed at the front before they all enter the Viertel (29:10) deutlich aus en ließen keinerlei Spannung aufkommen. Best Recruiter of the Munchner War by American-American Devin Booker with 14 Punks.