
Preußens Zweitliga-Heimstart: Sky scoops Hildmann out of the tunnel | Sport

Preußens Zweitliga-Heimstart: Sky scoops Hildmann out of the tunnel | Sport

Damn long…

33 years ago we were in the stadium on the Hammer Straße and now we have less classy Fußball boats. If the time you start often turns into a big war. Vorbei! Gegen Hannover 96 Kehren die „Adlerträger“ am Sonntag (13:30 Uhr) now to see the House on the stage of the best 36 Mannschaften Deutschlands zurück…

Preußens Zweitliga-Heimstart. Sky runs Hildmann out of the tunnel!

12,466 Zuschauern (daunter 1500 Gäste-Fans) – dit Wochen restlos auskauft. The “Antik-Arena” is suitable for all technical purposes for the DFL herausgeputzt. Aber auch Cheftrainer Sascha Hildmann (52) faces new reforms. So continue with the Anpfiff.

Bislang can quickly release the muscles into the interior space. Während „Co“ Louis Cordes (32) as well as Fitness „Guru“ Tim Geidies (35) the Aufwärmen seiner Jungs überwachten, Schottete is sich in seiner Kabine ab. Fokussiert auf die bevorstehende Aufgabe, um bei a Tasse Kaffee nor all the time in Ruhe all Abläufe duchzugehen. Hildmann: “I am completely in my tunnel.”

If all goes well, it’s a great place. At 1:06 p.m., the Prussian successor coach must appear for an interview for the Sky cameras. The pay-TV sender, whose broadcasts looked like Kohle, goes to the live chat. Hildmann honestly: “Of course I can. But I didn’t happen to do that!”

Preußen-Stürmer Malik „Batman“ Batmaz (r.) died in the first Zweitliga-Tor for Aufsteiger Münster since 33 years

Preußen-Stürmer Malik „Batman“ Batmaz (r.) died in the first Zweitliga-Tor for Aufsteiger Münster since 33 years

Photo: Marcel Engelbrecht/firo Sportphoto

Seiner Mannschaft dagegen ist de Umstellung aufs Fußball-Unterhaus schon gelungen. Findet is the least. The 1:3 reduction in the construction of the Spielvereinigung Greuther Fürth serves as a mainstay. Hildmann: “If they have bad minutes after the next week, they must spend two Gegentoren Lehrgeld. Thanks to the statistics, that is the result of a punk during the war.”

Beispiel “Expected Goals”, the list of the 100-prozentigen Torchancen. With 3.7, the Preußen experienced the highest level of performance during the first season, but were able to enjoy their time with Malik „Batman“ Batmaz (24) in a timely manner (41).

The two VAR notifications (Video Assistant Referee) of Schiedsrichter Richard Hempel (26/Großnaundorf) against the Münsteraner were ausgelegt, beschleunigtt his unknown Auswärtspleite.

Brutalo-Kicker makes keyDieser Abschied is record-breaking

A Legend of Power Schluss: Emotionales Abschiedsvideo in Rekordlänge

Source: BILD/Vimeo @pepe

Fact is: Hildmann waged war with the hunt on the Truppe in the Sportpark Ronhof under the Strich-zufrieden and saw no Veranlassung for major Verächangeungen in Hannover. Also remember that Niedersachsen starts on diesel and a dense Kader backgreift.

Was my Umkehrschluss bedeuten würde: Für „Urgestein“ Simon Scherder (31), the two Vorbereitungswochen (roads Muskelphaserriss) passed, and Fan-Liebling Thorben Deters (28) were happy with the place at the Tribüne. Scherder, Professional Trainer in Adlertrikot (since 2012): “I am a top fit person, must be a part of the training of the trainers and that they will be accepted.”

Artistic Einlage von 96-Stürmer Nicolo Tresoldi, der bij Hanovers 2:0-Auftaktsieg against Regensburg zur Führung with

Artistic Einlage von 96-Stürmer Nicolo Tresoldi, der bij Hanovers 2:0-Auftaktsieg against Regensburg zur Führung with


This installation is for Hildmann on the key to success: “The eleven players on the race do not make a good team. Especially the eleven youngsters below. If you get a quality guarantee from the bank or the court, this is possible. This is the breakthrough of the Regionalliga in the 2. Liga, ermöglicht.”

An der Stärke von Hannover gibt’s für ihn ebenfalls keinerlei Zweifel. There is a swing for everything from the offensive with the Neuzugang Jannik Rochelt (25/comb for 1.5 million euros from Elversberg) with the Top Stürmern Havard Nielsen (31) and Nicolo Tresoldi (19). Hildmann explains his celebration: “96 memories for my favorites.”

Anyway, we are happy with our success with the success of our new year and the first Zweitliga-Punkte after 33 years of being able to…

Preußens Sport-Geschäftsführer Ole Kittner likes to play football on the surf – verrät is in the podcast

Preußens Sport-Geschäftsführer Ole Kittner likes to play football on the surf – verrät is in the podcast

Photo: private

● Attention! The new Folge vom believed Insider-Podcast “Private Preussen” from the Bode-Loge – who is with Sport-Geschäftsführer Ole Kittner (36) – is a bit of free painting and can provide a whoever überall dort, wee Podcasts gibt , were abhorred.