
Laura Maria Rypa responded to Pietros Schuldeingeständnis

Laura Maria Rypa responded to Pietros Schuldeingeständnis

Cologne – Few problems after the debtor’s guilt Pietro Lombardi (32) in Bezug auf die Skandalnacht hat jetzt auch Laura Maria Rypa (28) responded to the statement!

Laura Maria Rypa (28) will compete with Pietro Lombardi (32) for the Beziehung.

Laura Maria Rypa (28) will compete with Pietro Lombardi (32) for the Beziehung. © Image montage: Instagram/lauramaria.rpa (screenshots)

In a more Instagram video, the “DSDS” jury member showed, among other things, the police raid in the Cologne Villa and the Krankenhausaufenthalt victory Verlobten bestätigt. Some of my own statements are “embarrassing”.

That Chance, which was picked up, had fallen well, ließ Pietro erneut ungenutzt.

Women assume that the laufenden flights will no longer end up in the previous phase. So the best thing that happened in the future was that there was no war – including Entschuldigung.

Trennung or nicht? Jetzt said Laura Maria Rypa and Pietro Lombardi, was busy at ihnen los ist!
Laura Maria Rypa
Trennung or nicht? Jetzt said Laura Maria Rypa and Pietro Lombardi, was busy at ihnen los ist!

Laura posted about one of the clips in her story. Dazu says: “I would like to have a strong family for my family, and I would be willing to help them, so that they would be happy and happy.”

A clear explanation for the viewing!

Allerdings wolle auch sie nicht verharmlosen, was vorgefallen ist. “The Polizei war has started, the war with the routine in the Krankenhaus and it is one of the Schäden-verlassen.” Let it be clear, if the officials do not provide anyone with a medical check.

After all, there were moments when Laura and Pietro's family relationship was truly perfect. But der Schein trough.

After all, there were moments when Laura and Pietro’s family relationship was truly perfect. But der Schein trough. © Image montage: Instagram/lauramaria.rpa (screenshots)

It is also a heavy frost, but both aim to end the Night now with the Worten policy. If your partner has a certain influence, you can get details about inhaling and removing the Streits Prize.

And that could easily happen.

“It is no longer possible to take all these private lessons,” stated the Mama von Leano (1) and Amelio (7 weeks) in their time to post with unmistakable clarity.

Is das Liebes-Aus damit besiegelt? Pietro Lombardi has released his criminal video!
Laura Maria Rypa
Is das Liebes-Aus damit besiegelt? Pietro Lombardi has released his criminal video!

The beginning of the domestic atmosphere hurt Pietros Anwalt at the incident of dementia.

“It is true that my opinions are different, which are related to both policies,” said Simon Bergmann (58) in the BILD-Zeitung.

There is a report that there is no gewaltanwendung. Laura has raised the police “with a high emotional problem (…) in the verbal auseinandersetzung”, one of the lawyers. Nor ermittelt de Polizei.