
Massive premiere for the ERC Ingolstadt

Massive premiere for the ERC Ingolstadt

Missed Premiere for the ERC Ingolstadt: During the first guest play in the new SAP-Garden, the Panther am Sonntagnachmittag at Red Bull Munich must have been completed with 1:5 (1:0, 0:3, 0:2). Before we met head coach Mark French’s Schützlinge over time, he received little power and damn the Hausherren das Toreschießen lightly empowered. Damit cashierte der ERCI zum ersten Mal in dieser Saison zwei Niederlagen hintereinander.

No longer with the ERCI professionals, but with the war that the new ice hockey and basketball temple in the Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt carried out, at 10.796 Besuchern Platz and the construction costs of 150 million euros, insulting riesengroß. We have 1000 Panther-Fans who made a great performance in Kauf, one of the most attractive Derby in SAP-Garden who helped his and his team with his team. The end has been reached: In Sachen Stimmung and Lautstärke they go more modern and in the Sonntag the Arena to German in Griff.

If they prefer to die together, the final of the year 2023 is a very small part of the first breaks a great match. As soon as the Hausherren get the new home team of Head Coach Toni Söderholm and assistants of Max Kaltenhauser as (Interims) Nachfolger installer, more Schüsse on the cupboard of the grim Devin Williams (vertrat erneut de angeschlagenen Michael Garteig) auswiesen: Ingolstadt blieb durch seine “Nadelstiche” immer gefährlich. Myles Powell won a scheibengewin in the won Zone (2.) and Riley Sheen and Kenny Agostino in Powerplay (5.) brought the puck to a Red Bull Goalie Andreas Niederberger.

Apropos Sheen: Der 29-jaar kanadier hatte in der 16. Minuten dat de most spectacular action in de first 20 minutes begin. After a number of solo positions, the straight path of the guests on the road is completely illuminated. Dieser sollte dann aber kurz darauf but Falled: Bei “Vier-gegen-Vier” (Ingolstadt’s Morgan Ellis and Munich’s Jonathan Blum saßen on the Criminal Court) now Top-Verteidiger Alex Breton a fine Zuspiel von Wojciech Stachowiak zum 0:1 (18.) . There are wars going on over the eighth missions of HC Kosice’s Neuzugangs.

Also, I spend a lot of time playing games. Einziger, aber entscheidender Unterschied: Während the Panther in his work on one or more Treffer vergaben, sie de Einheimischen op de Gegenseite door Passivität and Fehlerhaftigkeit nun straight zum Toreschießen ein. Zunächst dared to bring himself Verteidiger Les Lancaster out of bedrängt into Schussposition and Williams “ausschauen” – 1:1 (30.). The result is that the ERCI goalie inner half of 16 (!) has an unsightly figure ab for the second time. With 2:1-Führungstreffer nutzte Munich’s Chris DeSousa – behind the Panther-Kasten stehend – Williams Rücken as “Bande” (36.), and schließlich Jakob Weber from the blue Line abzog and the Spielgerät zum 3:1 versesenkte (37.) .

The pride of the two towers is not the same as the French team. No wonder, it is a bisherigen Saisonverlauf, but it is more of a problem, in the Schlussdrittel nor a Schippe-draufzulegen, under Beweis gestellt. Sowohl in Überzahl as also bei Fünf-gegen-Fünf bauten the Panther nun fell Druck auf the Kasten von Niederberger auf. The heart-rubber wool will no longer end up in the Tor Line. The best forces are the hinges of the Münchner in the 55. Minute: Afterwards Taro Hirose kurz zuvor noch de Querlatte anvisiert hatte (54.), Maximilian Kastner took care of the Vorentscheidung (55.). The Schlusspunkt setzte schließlich Nationalspieler Yasin Ehliz in Powerpley with his Treffer zum 5:1-Endstand (59.).

ERC Ingolstadt: Williams-Preto, Wagner; Hubner, Ellis; Breton, Hüttl; Schmolz, Stachowiak, Simpson; Dunham, Ph. Krauß, Bertrand; Keating, Pietta, Girduckis; Agostino, Powell, Sheen. – Tower: 0:1 Bretons (18./4-4), 1:1 Lancaster (30.), 2:1 DeSousa (36.), 3:1 Weber (37.), 4:1 Kastner (55.), 5:1 Ehliz (59./PP). – Zuschauer: 10,769 (purchased).