
Wind energy association: China without any regulations

Wind energy association: China without any regulations

New energies

Wind energy association: China without any regulations

Giles Dickson, Director of WindEurope, warns against unfair legal practices in Chinese wind energy repairers.

Giles Dickson, Director of WindEurope, warns against unfair legal practices in Chinese wind energy repairers.

Bernd Wüstneck/dpa

The Billion-dollar market for wind energy layers is heart-warming. China is pushing into the European market. By protecting the industry from unfair legal practices and reporting security concerns.

Fair legal considerations should be taken into consideration by the European Wind Energy Association WindEurope about the basic requirements for a Chinese development of Chinese wind energy sources in the EU market. “The Chinese analysts are knocking on the door of Tür and Wollen Eintritt on the European market, who have been working with solar and photovoltaic energy for 15 years,” says WindEurope chief Giles Dickson of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Rostock.

Chinese companies include the European price restorers of 30 to 50 percent and the ones with payment guarantees of multiple years. “These forms of financing can now be offered, while the cash flow of Chinese state financial banks is not supported.” The companies are active on all continents and now want to enter the European market.

Dickson considers the position of the EU Commission an, the best best wolle, that the Chinese Anlagen nur auf Grundlagerechter Bedingungen engeboten würden. The EU has adopted the work and the means, a legal judgment on the best results. At the same time, the general situation was left unexamined and the Schlüsse was sucked. The end takes a year or a year later.

A fragment of datensicherheit

“We look at the open market. If you want to buy a dish, so that the WindEurope chef can report your security concerns. If the new wind generators are on the 300 sensors, the number of minutes you can take over control. This data occurs in Europe or in other federal states, such as Dickson. “In the context of the EU law, China is no longer included on the list of secure states.”

If you are on the beach, the data sent will no longer work on the position and function of the jewelry components. “If you want to use the capacity, these components of the steering wheel and your brain.” It is a question of whether Chinese suppliers want to do it, so Dickson. “If you have not done so yet, you can use a Russian gas unlocking. There can be no higher account taken of Chinese energy energy.”

Nor smaller market share of the Chinese

After the Verbandes in Brussels have started with the Chinese Turbines, which are ordered in Europe, the year will pass with three percent. The remaining 97 percent of the orders went to the large European Turbine repairers. It is not that anyone will ever say that all wind energy projects in Europe will work with European turbines in the future.

Dickson studies the Fachtagung Rostock Wind. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will in 2035 the energy supply of the countries, including the heat and mobility organization with the help of renewable source covers. It is not that there is a problem with the Ausbau. In MV erzeugen actual 1.859 Windräder Strom.