
Was she erasing about Mpox – and was autumn busy with Corona 2.0?

Was she erasing about Mpox – and was autumn busy with Corona 2.0?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has a new variant of the virus disease MPOX in Africa with the highest alert status. There is talk of a “healthy international knowledge” (PHEIC).

New Affenpocken Variant Covered

The WHO’s concern sees another on a new virus variant, which is treated in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo at the end of 2023. It acts as a sublineage of Mpox-Klade I (Roman origin), names Ib. It is possible that you use a larger variance and a higher disease delay. Detailed study of the stehen noch aus. Mpox der Klade I were first also in the past weeks

  • Uganda
  • Rwanda
  • Burundi sowie
  • Kenya


Do you want to encounter the virus? And who is that? FOCUS online savory that contains the most fragmentary fragments.

1. Was there an attack and who was overtaken?

Affenpocken is treated as a zoonosis. If all goes well, the virus has emerged at the human level. You can contact another contact with people and people. In this fall, there is a switch to a problem or a malfunction through contact with the company or the Krusten. There is a sexual conviction of the Pockenviren that the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) has developed. The problem with the grip on the disease can cause a new infection.

Unlike the name, the Affenpocken were not used for primates, but were also responsible for the survival of Rats, which were the most powerful in themselves. Experts vermuten, dass der Erreger der Affenpocken in Nagetieren zirkuliert, Affen seien hingen sogenannte Fehlwirte. The problem is a suboptimal virus organism for the virus. A problem can occur even though the virus can no longer occur.

2. Who knows what the Erkrankung is like?

The viral disease can only cause a mild symptom, but can also be very serious if you see this. The infection often starts with a disease. If you want to get an idea of ​​Flecken, then it is that your house comes out of the gesamten Körper ausbreiten and zu roten, with flowing flowers that can be filled. The disease can go unnoticed in the course of the disease and cause windbags or syphilis attacks.

After the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) answered the question by providing the following descriptions:

  • Fiber
  • Headaches
  • Muscular and back muscle exercises
  • scalloped lymph nodes
  • Schüttelfrost
  • shift

3. Who can protect me?

The infectious diseases in Affenpocken gild are common when it is light. Check the virus if you are directly contacting the level of the human. There are new observations of people who have performed their expertise in combating a threat or a fungal infection.

The virus is related to the classic Pockenvirus (Variola Virus). There is an end to all high speeds, but the Fieber can do everything for childhood. The impfstoff is caused by the Pockenvirus, which causes an infection with the Mpox virus.

If RKI can prevent a number of unimprovised persons with infection risks. It is “Aidshilfe” for all men, the big sex with a male partner. An impfung is nach contact with an infected person still possible.

4. How do we sell the Affenpocken?

The African Health Authority CDC reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the country’s borders in those years prepared more than 14,000 Suspected Cases and over 500 Death Cases. I want work to become a smaller part of the day. This is why Africa has made a note. If you mobilize more Mittel, a state is helped at the end of your life.

The WHO was reported 1000 incapacitated cases of allerwelt over time. If you are done, the tests will not take long before the error occurred.

5. Gibt es schon Fälle in Germany?

In 2023, the new Klade has appeared in Germany if RKI does not continue. “Das RKI has not taken action due to a high flight during Klade-I-Viren in Deutschland aus”, it is with the experts.

Statutes since here in May 2022 the first Fälle von Mpox (Klade IIb) is identified. Bislang wurden insgesamt bovine 3800 Fälle übermittelt, der Großteil davon (bovine 3700 Fälle) von Frühsommer bis Herbst 2022.

“After a strong start from May 2022 since the fall from August 2022, information will be more intensive Public-Health-Bemühungen changed. “Since mid-October 2022, we have not yet been able to report Fälle.”

During the summer of 2023, the next fall will be registered again, and the summer will continue to fall at a low level (im ein bis niedrigen zweisttelligen Bereich pro Monat) reported. In Germany, bislang keine Todesfälle is registered.

6. Is Corona 2.0?

Whoever confirms the WHO cannot maintain the approval of the quotations in the federal states. Please feel free to take care of all the alarms in the world, if possible.

The RKI is investigating how things will continue, the fall in Germany is being absorbed. If there is a problem with its use, it may be that from a grim descent into disaster in 2022, time will not pass . “Eine Gefährdung durch diesen Erreger for the Health of the Breeding Bevölkerung in Deutschland is appreciative of the RKI’s time as light as day”, heißt is more.

Experts are also not afraid that the Affenpockenvirus will cause a global pandemic. The RKI will die, but the situation will be further examined.