
From Knallfröschen zu Legenden: Cultband The Petards

From Knallfröschen zu Legenden: Cultband The Petards

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From Knallfröschen zu Legenden: Cultband The Petards
Beginning of the Flowerpower era: with Rüdiger Waldmann and Arno Dittrich, with Horst Ebert and his Bruder Klaus Ebert from Schrecksbach. © Sascha Hoffmann

Before 60 years the band The Petards was founded in Schrecksbach. A Rückblick on a moving musical career of a band from the Schwalm.

Schrecksbach – It is a heißer summer day in Schrecksbach, while the other Kultdisco gives a hint about our weld. Das einstige Mylord, Long Verlassen, no longer de Geschichte der Petards, jener Band, dies in de 60 jaar die kleine Hessian Dorf heraus de Deutsch Musiklandschaft. “Everything has started here,” says Rüdiger “Roger” Waldmann, where the space must be. A wall hung vergilbte Poster und Zeitung-sausschnitte, Zeugnisse a Ära, in der die Petards mehr als nur a Band were – they were a Movement, a symbol for Aufbruch and Rebellion.

Neben Waldmann steht Arno Dittrich, späterer Kult-Schlagzeuger der Band. Both are 80, but their function is still the same. “It is worth it, whoever wears a long tie here, is exactly 60 years,” muttered Dittrich and lads in the Sitzecke, where the band spent an unpleasant day and night. The furniture making works with the Schalter a Zeitmaschine, the direct production in one of the sold-out Konzerten, while the Fans the best Plätze stRITen and Hunderte draußen stands, die nicht meer reinkamen. “Wir wollen Deutschlands Nummer Eins beron”, Waldmann remembers and laughs.

The Wurzeln der Band neither reichen nor was zurück bis in the Melanchthon-Schule Steinatal, where Brüder Klaus and Horst Ebert experimented with Free-Jazz and Cover-Stücken as “Magic Stompers”. In 1962 Waldmann started as a bassist and in 1964 he appeared in “The Petards”, inspired by a French Wort, which bedeutet “Knallfrosch”. The Gründungs ​​formation consists of Horst Ebert am Schlagzeug, Klaus Ebert and der Leadgitarre, Ingo Teckenburg an der Rhythmusgitarre, Hans-Jürgen Schreiber an der Trompete and Rüdiger Waldmann am Bass.

Ein Stück Musikgeschichte: Rüdiger Waldmann (left) said that he was the other West, who is an einst on Werbepostern and Plattencovern-trug. The Relikt der Petards-Zeit can wait for all these years to come. To the right of the Kultdrummer on the Zeitreise, Arno Dittrich on one
Ein Stück Musikgeschichte: Rüdiger Waldmann (left) said that he was the other West, who is an einst on Werbepostern and Plattencovern-trug. The Relikt der Petards-Zeit can wait for all these years to come. To the right of the Kultdrummer on the Zeitreise, Arno Dittrich on a “Wohnzimmer” by Petards, dem Mylord in Schrecksbach. © Sascha Hoffmann

The band has a varied line-up, before seeing the 60s through its professional formation. “It was an unforgettable time,” said Waldmann. The band plays in a WG in Schrecksbach, where Ebert-Brüder’s muttering is the music player. “The Beding was clear: no Damenbesuch im Haus”, erzählt Waldmann and fugt augenzwinkernd hinzu: “Aber the Fenster was left open, and we were in the first Stock.”

Die Verbindung zu ihrer Basic war grim. “We were always stollen there, from Schrecksbach zu kommen, and the Dorf was stollen to us,” says Waldmann. “If I ended up in the Fernsehen, the streets were lost.” Selbst at Goldenen Konfirmationen im Ort played his hit “Golden Glass” so far and remembers a wild time.

Wild was in the busy season for all innovative stage shows. “We are always versed in the pulse of the times, we are happy with the Stroboskopen and we are prepared to work on our heads, and the public will enjoy it.” Waldmann’s Augen reads, when one thinks of “that great Marshall-Anlage des Landes”, who is with the Petards von Bühne zu Bühne traveled.

It is an inner experience, which can no longer last, but which offers a solution, the Rockstarleben treasures that – Narben, the man in the great Disaster Light is not soft enough to see. Through Druck the music has become ever greater. „Manchmal hat wir drei Auftritte an einem Tag“, appeared in 1967 by the band gestoßene Dittrich. „Wir schliefen im Bus, fuhren durch die Nächte en nahmen zwischen the Gigs new Songs auf. We have done everything, more than 1200 years later, after we had come from the Punkt, they are a bit no longer woolly.“

A Schlüsselmoment: der Ausstieg von Klaus Ebert. “Seine Stimme war prägend,” said Dittrich. “If there are wars in 1970, a Stück will no longer be seen. Our forces are heavy with their terrible fates Bernd Wippich nor a time long since, but there is no more than that.”

Gründe, warum The Petards is not bigger than the large Durchbruch schafften, it has become more. “If a good manager is a good manager, and if he lets the flat company down,” says Waldmann with a Hauch von Wehmut in the Stimme. “Wir hatten Erfolg in Frankreich, was with ‘Blue Fire Light’ in the Top 10 and has played in the legend of Olympia, but still has some notable success.“ After internen Spannungen followed the final destination Aus. Der letzte Auftritt: was September 3, 1972 in “Western Saloon” in Wiesbaden. “There was no light separation,” Dittrich remembers. “Aber wir wuesten, dass es Zeit war, weiterzugehen.”

Rüdiger Waldmann lived in the homeland, where, after music, a career in all other arts began. It is laughed that we are away from “vom Rockstar zum Steuerberater” by saying: “It is absurd, both erfordert Kreativität and Disziplin.”

Beginning of the Flower Power era: with Rüdiger Waldmann and Arno Dittrich, with Horst Ebert and his Bruder Klaus Ebert from Schrecksbach.
Beginning of the Flowerpower era: with Rüdiger Waldmann and Arno Dittrich, with Horst Ebert and his Bruder Klaus Ebert from Schrecksbach. © Sascha Hoffmann

Arno Dittrich blieb der Musik mourn. There is so much in Switzerland and toured the world with a show band. “Jeden Abend auf der Bühne, 14 Tage am Stück. There is a heart of war, that is my inheritance,” so the heute in Kassel lives Schlagzeuger. Contact the expatriate colleagues who don’t want this, says Dittrich. Nur noch zu Klaus Ebert, dessen Bruder Horst verstarb 2014. Was it so beautiful, is a Schatz and Erinnerungen – positively positive, at the Herzberg Festival, that is the Petards no longer true. “If you attend a festival, it is not a thing of the past – there will be a variety of German bands on a stage,” said Waldmann. The festivals would be a fuller performance and so-called performance in Germany and Germany. “Herzberg was magical and is auch heute noch,” says Dittrich, as Waldmann jedes Jahr über seine Backstagepässe freut.

Alte Petards hits with “Pretty Liza” or “Baby Run, Run, Run” play 60 years on tape gründung – never again on vinyl, some mittlerweile in streaming portals and for everything in the hearts of the, that time is over. So let the history of the decline still a spalt offen zu stehen, as the legend of Mylord wieder verlassen.

Rüdiger “Roger” Waldmann and Arno Dittrich breathed neither a breath in the Nachmittagssonne stehen, silently, their gratitude absorbed in the glorious Days of the Petards.

Ohne Worte knew both: Those Petards were more like a band now. They were a life-giving experience, a fuller recovery, a better night’s sleep. “Wir haben etwas geschaffen, das bleibt,” said Waldmann, and in his work the Gewissheit with, that The Petards, his music and his history were not born in Schrecksbach nor long weiterleben.