
We are a major investor in this software company

We are a major investor in this software company

Immerse a 100-Prozent-Übernahme

“Current trade will be sold with another business in Österreich, der Abschluss des Deals soll Anfang September”, verrät Sebastian Holleradditionally for the Austrian company of Everfield, the KURIER. More than 100 “Hidden Champions” can give the investor a chance in the coming years and network in his own system. “There is a real alternative to a classic Private Equity company. We have shared the DNA in the world, so that the management is in the rules of the board and there is involvement,” says Holler.

With an eye on profit, it became so that the Everfield system was forced into the Australian market by a partner or marketing. “We were certainly not selling a company of ours,” Holler complained.

The Finanz-Profi from Linz has its own financing with Finanzinvestoren. There is the same year 2021 for my KI-Start-up hae.shthe economics of economic development, 1.3 million. Euro and capital end. “We have always been active in Austria after such new years,” says Holler.

I look at all the software specialists in our internal critique B2B areawith new products, personal products or the revolutionary wool logistics. It is important that you can and can enjoy a restrukturierungsfälle that is not in focus. With software entrepreneurs, who do not find any follow-up study, it is not possible to find wool wool investors who offer a perspective.

Currently active in 7 countries

Everfield with Sitz in London is active 80 Employees in 7 statesif you are in the German Raum, from Cologne with a bet. In Deutschland we were very knowledgeable about the Münchner Software-Unternehmen “ParkHere” erworben, a führender recommendation from Smart-Parking-Systemen. Insgesamt beschäftigen die 19 Portfolio-Unternehmen rund 500 Mitarbeiter. Everfield is one of the largest networks of Schwesterunternehmen, connecting 150 software firms in the US and EU.

Woher das Übernahmekapital stemmt

The Übernahme-Kapital stems from the billion-dollar US-Investmentgesellschaft Aquiline Capital Partnersthe institutional investments are being made. Everfield has won a multi-million dollar sum for the European software networks that have been developed. The soul of the “Buy-and-Build” strategy is simple: Buy and sell more new. In this fall, there is no longer a single firm, but the entire portfolio.