
Bergbaustadt with radical change – as a thought

Bergbaustadt with radical change – as a thought

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Bergbaustadt with radical change – as a thought
At 130 Kohlebergbau the city of Kemmerer is ready for a radical walk. © IPPEN.MEDIA

After 130 years of mining in the Wyoming city of Kemmerer, Kohle died for the Aus. If you don’t stop anymore, go to Atomkraft – by Tech-Billiard Bill Gates.

Our author visited the American city, which puts his list of names on a personal Bucket-List. There was a war in the Bergbau, which struck a Niedergang and an Aufbruch – in the a technology that the Kohleverstromung ablösen soll, which in Germany is very verpönt.

The road to Kemmerer in Wyoming is long and powerful. If the city in the southwest of the US and the Bundesstaat is settled, the spark of the Mormon metropolis Salt Lake City will go through the night for a long time. There is a large amount of paper that makes a giant Kraftwerk. Here were the types of energy and money that characterized nature: coal, gas, minerals. Seit kaal 130 Jahren.

Kemmerer in Wyoming: Eine Stadt auf Kohle gebaut

Kemmerer, 1897 gegründet, thanks for the names Mahlon S. Kemmerer, Son German Expatriates. There is a financing for the first Kohlemine, a mistake in the ortsmitte and the only monetary institution. Nothing that interests us: The Bar „Stock Exchange Club”, for the Wort-geschlossen nor his livelihood ist and the schon seit einiger Zeit a new Besitzer sucht.

If Kemmerer experiences the sin of the wort in the Kohle town, it may be that the last years last: The Kohlebergbau dries out of Aus. Schon 2026 soll das Kohlekraftwerk vom Netz gehen, auch with the Energy extraction by Gas will be spared 2036 Schluss sein.

Vom Boom-Town zur Geisterstadt: One of the men, the impediment, heißt Brian Muir. There is a fun city manager from Jahren in Kemmerer. In etwa vergleichbar mit dem Ersten Beigeordneten in deutschen Gemeinden. Man can say about everything: “Mädchen für everything”. From Golfplatz to Schneeräumung – Brian and his teams are more than focused. There is a message about the mayor and the community. The most important mission: Entwicklung von Ort und Wirtschaft. “That is my Leidenschaft,” said Brian Muir in conversation with IPPEN.MEDIA.

Leidenschaft is in dieser Lage urgent notnauwen: Fossil Brennstoffe is een heute der mit Abstand die wieder Wirtschaftszweig und Arbeitgeber in Kemmerer und der umliegenden Region. The end of the kraftwerk is under siege, for the Kohleabbau gift is no longer important: a large amount of Kohle can be carried out immediately.

Brian Muir, city manager von Kemmerer, Wyoming, interview Thomas Kemmerer
Brian Muir, city manager von Kemmerer, Wyoming, in conversation with IPPEN.MEDIA editor Thomas Kemmerer © IPPEN.MEDIA

Aus für die Kohle: Situation begins in the Rheinische Revier and Lusatia

The situation in Germany may happen one day. 2038 sollen in the Lusatia that letzten German Tagebaue and Kohlekraftwerke were released, in NRW the end will be determined for 2030.

The big difference: Kemmerer will extinguish the Energy City, and in this preamble the city manager Muir is a big piece further. Everything according to plan, in 2030 there will be a new power station and network – an atomic power station. The first reactor of the start-ups Terra Power of Bill Gates, which may well be the growth of the software giants of Microsoft.

Kampf against the climate hike: Atomkraft from Terra Power statt Kohle

First Spatenstich in June, when not all generations were before – Terra Power has made a big impression on a short time of loss: In Kemmerer the Pilot Project of the first Fluessigsalz Reaktor will be used. Four billion dollars were financed half a year ago by the American energy sector.

Visualization Atomkraftwerk in Kemmerer, Wyoming,
Soll das Atomkraftwerk in Kemmerer, Wyoming, een Tages aussehen. The Pilot-Reaktor operates on the Platz as wassergekühlte AKWs. © Terrakracht

This is it: The sodium-cooled reactor is now a surface like a water-cooled AKW, is a German speedster and a firearm and gold-plated as safe.

The point of the installation is a whistle, the nuclear energy won can last a long time and that will go to the power supply. For example, when the transitions of solar and wind energy had to be achieved. Or it is a question of a price that is lower. If you see the Tech-Billiard gates, it is so that climate-cleaning power supply, security of supply and profitability lead to a hut.

US power plant has not yet found a fossil

► Neue Gesetze und billionenschwere Förderprogramma der Regierung von President Joe Biden sollen bis 2050 dafüren, dats die US climate neutral become.

► Still the fossil energy slower Gas and coal 60 percent the American Strombedarfs, ernew energies schon über 21 Prozent bei – voor allem Wind.

53 active nuclear power plants erzeugen knapp 19 Prozent des Stroms. The planted Pilot-Reaktor of Terra Power in Kemmerer with a capacity of 500 Megawatts was the base of a total of 400,000 US-Haushalten.

If the Atomkraft is a sich, who is known from Germany, hadert in Kemmerer kaum eener. “Die Zustimmung in der Bevölkerung liegt bei 85 Prozent,” says Brian Muir.

The city stands for a tree and a position in the new redevelopments: this is a residential house and hotels for the builders and engineers of the same family, 150 years later, in the coming years this will be up to 1600 years ago. There is a population scale that can last more years. Ganz schön fell for a part, the in the young years faded glory was a property on the ortsschild with action in 2415.

250 jobs have been found in the Kernkraftwerk, which have been given a new Reaktor, but more can be done. Gute Opinion für die 110 Mitarbeiter des örtlichen Kohlekraftwerks, dessen Ende nach 60 Years Betrieb sicher ist: Viele sollen sollen umgeschult zijn, so ist es vorgesehen.

Kernkraft als Klimaschutz-Maßnahme in een Gegend, de mehrheitliche Donald Trump wählt

Herausfordernder dürfte es für die 200 Bergleute were, deren Arbeitsplätze massive bedroht since. One of the works schon in der Zweiten, written generation in Kohleabbau: Lange Zeit war Kemmerer das weltweit größte oberirdische Abbaugebiet von Steinkohle. Sincerely, you take good care of your work. If we are busy with the Security Jobs now, the High-tech Reaktor will be destroyed. “Wir wollen ihnen af ​​alle Fälle helfen, Falls das Bergwerk schließt,” said Muir.

Without the readiness for change is no more, not in Kemmerer. In a city, the lifespan and storage of fossil fuels lasts so long. And the flight with the flight reactor is a symbol for the end of this year – the largest financial support of Bill Gates, a climate protection company, which has no fans here in the Republikaner Land (80 percent in 2020 for Donald Trump).

Kemmerer hat noch mehr Bodenschätze: Fossils

► In your own home, the city of Kemmerer is an “aquarium in Stein”. In de Omgebung schlummern nicht nur Bodenschätze, sondern auch Fossils in gigantic Zahl.

► For 50 million years war here a huge lake landscape. There is sediment found in the gut that causes the damage to the bottom and the bottom: the fish is the huge crocodile.

► I am here “Fossil Butte National Monument” Welding itself is a special foundation. In Private Steinbrüchen you can also dig out fossils yourself.

Wolf's Barsch Priscacara serrata Fossil from the Eozän Fundort Kemmerer Wyoming
More typical fossil collections from the Kemmerer region: A Wolfsbarsch, which lived in the harmful Seenlandschaft for 50 million years. © Carola Vahldiek / imageBroker / Imago

Bill Gates: “Our nuclear energy will keep the nation and the world safe”

Bill Gates lies to Spatenstich in Kemmerer keinen Zweifel, dass von diesem Ort ein Signal ausgeht: “I am davon überzeugt, dass de Kernenergie der nachsten Generation von Terra Power die Zukunft unserer Nation – und der Welt – sechern wird.”

Im Ort itself ist der Atom-Aufbruch (abgesehen von Baustelle etwas außerhalb der Stadt) nur wahrnehmbar, wenn man genau hint: So buhlt zwei Häuser neben dem heruntergekommenen “Stock Exchange Club” the new Café “Fossil Fuel Coffee” a knowledge and self-sold sales T-shirts, of a skeleton with a mountain helmet and coffee becher grüßt.

One of the familiar “Kettle Restaurants” has a new menu priced at $8.50 that includes “Sodium Reactor Water” on Ice – with Vodka, Rum, Blue Curacao and a Spritzer Zuckersirup. (kem)