
“Café Holzwurm” in Schalksmühle has been sold

“Café Holzwurm” in Schalksmühle has been sold

  2. Full metal
  3. Schalksmolen

“Café Holzwurm” in Schalksmühle has been sold
Café Holzwurm on Bahnhofstraße is right next to Hotel zur Post. The fensterscheiben are immersed in what is happening – protected from new Blicken der Passanten – gewerkelt. © Ludwig, Carolina

The beloved Café Holzwurm in Schalksmühle has to close in 2020 due to Corona. Now it is best to sell and clean it. The new owner is planning a reopening, the concept can no longer be a party.

Schalksmühle – Es war Ende 2015, als Marion Stamm, damals Pächterin der ebenfalls über Jahre believed Gaststätte “Schinderhannes”, ebendiese losß en een der Bahnhofstraße in hour invites Café Holzwurm. For a year, the small house was a credible meeting place for Kaffee and Kuchen, Frühstück or, azusammenzokommen. Groups and companies are concerned with the situation in which they move.

While the Corona pandemic war was over in 2020, the café had to close so many other Pforten – and not return to regular business. Here and there the company would take the trouble to seize the chance that Marion Stamm suffered the final closure a few years later.

When the beginning of the Corona pandemic war begins, the café is a credible meeting point in the Volmegemeinde. JAKOB SALZMANN (ARCHIV)
When the beginning of the Corona pandemic war begins, the café is a credible meeting point in the Volmegemeinde. JAKOB SALZMANN (ARCHIV) © Salzmann, Monika

Rumors came to Schalksmühle again and again. Now it is best to be the ephemeral as one of the new properties of the members, a Schalksmühler, or an anonymous who has more power: It is sold. If you no longer see it, it is so that large parts of the screen disappear, the view into the inner world blocks.

Aktuell wird das small Haus von Innen saniert, wie der nieuw Eigendomsmitteilt. Eile hat er dabei nicht: „In this year there will be no great opportunity for further growth“, it says. A concrete concept for the household business is a matter of time, after he has gotten to know the Wunsch, and in the Zukunft wieder the Schalksmühler of the company. In welcher Form, met welchem ​​Angebot und zu welchen Seiten sei noch völlig offen.

When you arrive at the hotel, you can start cleaning the sanitary facilities a few years later and another time the other Kegelbahn erase and during a winter garden with a click on the volume start. That should also be from the center of the village and its square the two old buildings of the view on the river freely accessible and the city picture appreciated.