
Who wants to strengthen the European Halbleiter production by KIT – Design

Who wants to strengthen the European Halbleiter production by KIT – Design

With the Gründung des Karlsruher Chipdesign House, the KIT plays one of the most important roles in the coordination of Chip-Designs in Baden-Württemberg and can go a little further. Deshalb führt das KIT auch a new study herefor and treibt the interdisziplinäre Aus- and Weiterbildung foran.

From smartphones to computers to cars: fast modern technologies based on powerful microchips. The nachfrage is surmounting production in Germany since then. Repairable repairers come from all parts of Asia in North America and offer good products with the microchips. One of the production companies in Europe and Germany as an innovation center for chip design has been further strengthened, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Art (MWK) has now prepared the foundation of the virtual Karlsruhe Chipdesign House (KCH) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). These will be carried out on the KIT Campus South until 2027. The plant is a new master’s degree program.

“The analysis of the development and efficiency of chips for the digital transformation continues,” says Professor Mehdi B. Tahoori from the Institute of Technical Informatics of KIT. “The majority of the resources would be taken from the European power by chip giants. If you are concerned with the energy shrinkage, while the electricity costs are reducing our production costs, you have to take into account the large amount of imports that are imported, which are produced in the Asian production of silicon chips.”

“It is urgently noted that in the future, production in Europe will make a critical global analysis and increase digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe,” said Professor Oliver Kraft, in Vertretung des Präsidenten. »Das KCH bundles the Spitzenforschung in the Area of ​​Chip-Designs. The KIT is the signal expertise of the relevant standard.«

New study and the Chip Ecosystem

With the plants of KIT Chipdesign House, KIT can play a role in the coordination of Chip Design in Baden-Württemberg and can take a while. I think you have an umfassende representation for fachkräfte in Chip Design. »I am KCH wanted with a partner with an interdisciplinary master’s degree in Chip Design, « said Professor Jürgen Becker of the Institute for Information Acquisition Technology of KIT. »There are no practical orientation points for workshops and presentations with experts and experts from industry, which umfassend portrayed future fach- and fuhrungskraäfte.«

If the European Chip Act 2023 is approved in the EU, the European Chip Act 2023 will be suspended. “The European Chip Act will promote production and distribution in Europe from the ground up,” says Becker. “Inside, these Chip Acts want to be inspired by and outside of experts and networks. The narrow connection with the industrial images is one of the most important constructions, another by the inspired construction of interdisciplinary education and further education in chip design at KIT.”

The MWK supports the KCH in the BEGIN initiative (Beteiligung in europäischen Großvorhaben und Initiativen) in 2027 with one million euros.

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