
Eleven dogs are deployed for the Hessian Justice in prisons

Eleven dogs are deployed for the Hessian Justice in prisons

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Eleven dogs are deployed for the Hessian Justice in prisons
Service hinter Gittern: Florian Gimbel, Leader of the Service Hundewesens in all Hessian Gefängnissen, with the two-handed Hermann, who are also Handy-Spürhund ausgebildet. © ANDREAS FISCHER

Elf Hunde was settled in the Hessian Gefängnissen, a night Drying and Handy zu such. The leader of the Hessische Diensthundewesens is Florian Gimbel, from the JVA Kassel I-arbeitet.

Kassel – Es dauert etwa 30 Sekunden, da hat Ragnar das Haschisch, das kurz zuvor auf a Lampe in a Zelle deposited, is still well founded. The Belgian Schäferhund, the Sechseinhalb Jahre alt and 37 Kilogramm wiegt, is dafür auf de Tisch in der Zelle sprungen and hat siich auf the Achterbeine gestelltt, a Mario Kramer-Lawitschka the Betäubungsmittel zu zeizen. The Hundeführer rewards Ragnar with a ball.

The Justizvollzugsbeamten Mario Kramer-Lawitschka and Florian Gimbel are in the Justizvollzugsanstalten in Kassel, Kaufungen and Baunatal go beyond Aufgaben. The Hunde der both Hundeführer as in the Zellen, the Gemeinschaftsräumen, in Besucherbereich or in the Sportanlagen nach illegal Drogen, Handys and others Datenträgern. “All in all, we can do it,” said Jörg-Uwe Meister, Leader of the Justizvollzugsanstalt Kassel I in Wehlheiden.

Florian Gimbel is no longer the leader of the services in all Hessian countries, but he can no longer handle the technology. When Hundeführer starts work in 2012, the Spürhunde continues, the mittlerweile is in Hesse a team of enlarged Vierbeiners, which are in the Haftanstalten nach Drogen and other verbotenen Gegenstanden that are such useful things. “Hessen is a better country than ever before,” said Gimbel. If the eleven Hundeführer has his own official car, their works of art are not discussed. The car is climate-controlled, and the four-wheeler can drink soft drinks in the summer in the parked cars for a safe time.

The service dog leader from the various locations is no longer on the road. Once in the week meets his einem Ausbildungstag. If you are in a JVA or a company at a Abschleppdienst, you can help the Dogs in the automotive industry after the Drogen or Handy’s such things. The Dogs from the various locations were overloaded by the embedded. In June all eleven Dogs were in Kassel and had the Werkbereich and various Zellen by the time. If you are handy, playing cards and a small amount of Rauschgift are there so Gimbel.

I passed a year the drugstore in the Kasseler Anstalten 150 Einsatztage. It is possible that you have opened a Betäubungsmittel in 26 cases. Hashish, Heroin, Kokain, Ecstasy, Crystal Meth, Spice. Up to 300 Grams of Cannabis can be financed. JVA Chief Master is German, the Kiffen in the JVA according to who is forbidden.

The Handy-Dog has 105 entries and has discovered something in 18 cases. “I think it’s a grim and SIM card that is its own owner,” says Gimbel.

Irregular routine checks are carried out, but also a number of planned checks, when the Beispiel starts with the Kreis der Bediensteten engaged. Auch Besucher von Inhaftierten müssen damit righten, dass sie von den Hunden beschnuppert zijn. Wer sich weigere, weil er Angst vor Hunden habe, könne an dem Tag die Haftanstalt nicht besuchen, so Meister. That’s arranged per Erlass. “Nobody is responsible for their duties.”

Although eight things have happened, which the Spürhunde die, in the Justizvollzugsanstalten there will be no aggression. If you no longer want to contact your personal wishes. „We want dogs, who are completely clear in their heads“, said Gimbel. Man has had the best time, of the man who is lately. In Hessen the Belgian Schäferhunde, the German Schäferhunde or a Mix in Einsatz are available. Against the background of the Körperlichen Verfassung, the Größe and Triebmerkmale are the Schäferhunde for this Job am geeignetsten, says Gimbel.

Den Hunden, the Hundeführer after the Dienstschluss nach Hause begins and lives in the family, it is good, says Gimbel. In the rule they move more like other dogs. If you want a higher temperature in the gel cage, you can do this. Gimpelhoed actuell zwei Hunde. Bono, in September, she had been living in the Ruhestand for some time. There is a convenient convenient control. Sein Nachfolger soll der zweijhrige Hermann zijn, der gerade in der Ausbildung steckt. The Grundausbildung voor de Hunde dauert zehn bis zölf Monate, de Spezialisierung und four Monate.

The 17th month of Kira, a Belgian Schäferhündin, is with his Hundeführer Oliver Herber, who in the Haftanstalt Hünfeld-arbeitet, his material conditioning in the JVA Kassel. In this Ausbildungsteil with the Hund beigebracht, the smell of Betäubungsmitteln with a positive Erlebnisverknüpft, with Futter and Ball. When the training takes place, the dry material can be brought in beige, but the material no longer occurs. It does not take long before the Dry have disappeared. “Our dogs were not made dependent”, according to Hundeführer Kramer-Lawitschka.

Whether it is drying the drink for the Dog, it is one of the following types of heroin or heroin fressen, which can be used in most cases, such as Gimpel. If the Grund lets the Hundeführer fall in a Notfallset dabei. But for the sake of happiness dies in the blessing time if Hundeführer still zum Einsatz is kommen.

Diensthundeführer was transferred to the Diensthundführerschule in Saxony-Anhalt. Dort müssen auch all Hundeführer und Vierbeiner einmal im Jahr hin. It looks like you are at TÜV, says Gimbel.

If the Hunde, the service of the Landes Hesse, will die, then the Leine-gelassen will be, dann and play with all other Hunde auch. The Rüden messages are bad in your Kräfte. Handy-Hermann and his Vorgänger Bono race across the green fields in single-family JVA-Gelände. A set of bleiben is stehen and schnuppern intensive. It is worth using the Kira prickly skin.

Background: Their hearing in the Land of Hesse

The eleven Spürhunde, which are active in Hessian prisons after drying or Handys such, are active in the entire Land of Hesse. You can call on the services of your family and their family. For the feeding and the animal doctor costs, the Land of Hesse comes. If the dog is in the rest position, then it is so that he is usually with the Hundeführern, with the country as a animal care contract absclissed. If you leave the country, the tariff costs are increased. (Ulrike Pflüger-Scherb)

On Zack: Drogenspürhund Ragnar führt Hundeführer Mario Kramer-Lawitschka zum Haschisch in der Zelle.
On Zack: Drogenspürhund Ragnar führt Hundeführer Mario Kramer-Lawitschka zum Haschisch in der Zelle. © Fischer, Andreas