
Landtag selection in East | DGB

Landtag selection in East | DGB

Bessere Arbeit, more rates!

We will create a Trendwende in Ostdeutschland

Tariff delays are a concern for justice: So the East-West angle has been closed at tariff rates. It is worth doing the work – and it is not a self-help. When it comes to the eastern states that have gone so far 35 years after the fall of the Mauer, there are many workers, with the business activities that the trade tariffs or the best industry tariffs are being pushed.

Die Folge: Die Beschäftigten erhalten weniger Geld. For Arbeitnehmer*innen in Ostdeutschland, who do not apply tariff rates, a net minus of 3,915 Euro is paid.

Milliardenverluste for the Social State

Not for those single people who bring significant rates change. Also for social security and open cash payments, the rate reduction for money. If you can no longer invest, this is 31 billion euros – an alley in East Germany. Sozialversicherungen könnten in Ostdeutschland including Berlin over 10 Billion Euros more, if all the Beschäftigten rates were considered, at the Steuern würden über 6 Billiarden more in the open cash registers. Der Kaufkraft-Effekt, dadurch dass die Beschäftigten more Geld erhalten, hout meer eeninmal über 14 Billiarden aus. The money is a fact, a country and the regional economy is a stabilizing society state for financing.

Tariff binding in the sinkflug

In the three Bundesländer Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, in the period in the Landtagswahlen of September, it is the Low in the punkto tariff binding.

2022, the Einkommen were in Thuringia and 20 Prozent under the Bundesdurchschnitt. This is one of the lower rates for nur 46 Prozent der Beschäftigten. “The rate is subject to the right to good quality of life and work conditions as well as good quality of life,” says the Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des DGB Hessen-Thüringen Renate Sternatz.

Saxony is no longer bound by the rates since: 2023 now makes 43 profits on the tax on a rate. The Saxon DGB boss Markus Schlimbach sees the politics in the Verantwoordung: “I would love it if I get to deal with the complaints of the Arbeitgeber, no Fachkräfte will find, if the time is not like that, then the Beschäftigten with a certain rate ordentlich hn and Arbeitsconditioningungen zu garantieren. “

Auch in Brandenburg, the rate applied annually in the Sinkflug is: Nur für 42 Prozent der Beschäftigten gelten Tarifverträge. “Gute Einkommen und Arbeitsbedingungen, wirtschaftliche Sicherheit und Teilhabe sind der Kitt, der unsere Gesellschaft jijzuammenhält. Tarifverträge set genau das her,” says Katja Karger, Head of the DGB Berlin-Brandenburg and nimmt Arbeitgeber and Politik gleichermaßen in die Pflicht: “Wer Tarifflucht betreibt, spaltet die Gesellschaft. The strong right-wing populists and democracies, and their duration, will not last longer.”

Politics must be dealt with

The DGB has taken power over politics in all federal states, a tariff binding on the scaffolding. This can be a different tariff at the Vergabe public Aufträge. The work is carried out by the new land governments, which determine the costs for more tariffs.

Federal policy is also in the spotlight. The EU ministerial directive prescribes a tariff binding of 80 percent for – Länder that do not comply with this provision must impose an action plan, a tariff binding to be set up. The Federal Government must put an end to a Federal tariff binding law. A higher tariff calculation can take place. If we all want to make a profit, the tariffs for democracy are getting higher and higher. Research: if people have eaten a dish and started their job, food security is higher – in democracy.